CHAPTER 1 - Intro

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This is my first story to be written on wattpad so please bear with me. If there is any wrong spelling please don't be mad cause I just don't remember how to spell it. Enjoy.

"Talk"- Japanese
"Talk" - Italian
A/N- author's note
Story start:

It was a wonderful weekend in Namimori, the sun shined through my window waking me up from my sweet snooze. It was 6 am when I woke up so I took a bath and went downstairs to prepare breakfast until I got a call.


"Hello, Tsunayoshi speaking"

"Hello Tsu-cha, it's Koyko."

"Ara, Kyoko-chan, what's up?"

"There's a new collection of cakes at this cafe that just recently opened. I was wondering if you would like to join us? "

"Of course Kyoko-chan, where should we meet?"

"Namimori square market at 12 pm."

"Alright, see you there. Bye Bye."

By7 am I finished preparing breakfast. Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet have I, well my name is Sawada Tsunayoshi and I'm 15 yrs old. I live with my mother, Sawada Nana, and my older brother, Sawada Tsuki. My okaa-san is a sweet and kind housewife while my onii-chan is like my over protective bodyguard. On week days he would watch over me 24/7 and on weekends I would try to sneak away to get some time off from the protection. Let's just say today is my lucky day because yesterday onii-chan went on a class trip to kyotou and won't be back until 5 this evening. It took me a while to convince him to go but in the end, I succeeded. Anyways after breakfast, I went straight to my room and locked the door behind me. Then I went on my laptop, logged into my account and started to hack the Vongola website once again. Yes, I am a famous hacker called Cielo27. I'm also the second greatest hitman in the world. I'm smart, athletic, a mind reader, excellent at combat and using weapons of all types, excellent at hacking, inventing machinery and the list goes on. Oh, I'm also a muti flame user which includes night flames, a mare ring user (sky) and a sky arcabelo but that's all under a mask. A dame mask (clumsy, no good) which I use when ever I'm around my family and school. The only ones who know this is Hibari Kyoya, Shimon Enma and the ghost of primo along with his guardians. Primo and his guardians trained me to be who I am today. They are also over protective but not as much as my onii-chan.

'Hmm... looks like I have alot of messages today. Lets see.
Mission, mission, killing, killing, killing, marriage proposal.... they don't even know who I am but want to marry me...... uhhh this I so frustrating.' I continued to scroll down my page until I saw a request for a rescue from the Vindce (A/N yes she is allied with them). It was to save the children that were being experimented by the Estrano Family and leave the rest to them. 'Hmm... this should be interesting..... I still got 4 hrs before the meeting time so why not.'

I got up from my seat, walked towards my closet and pressed the button that was located in a secret compartment in my closet that revealed a hand and eyescanner. I scanned my eye and hand then a door opened up behind my clothes revealing a pole. I slid down the pole that lead to my secret base under the house. It had all the weapons that a spy would need. You name it, I got it.

"Another mission Tsuna-chan?" asked Primo/Giotto.

"Hai, Gio-nii. It's a rescue mission." I retorted.

I changed into my costume (A/N It was a black hoodie with an orange number 27 on it, a camouflage pants with black military boots, a black half faced mask that covers her eyes, mittens that looks close to Primo's, and a voice changer that is hidden under the hoodie to make her sound more masculine. If you put those together, she looks more like a boy that a girl.) Got my whip, favorite pistol and opened a portal to the Estrano base.

"I'm off," I said.

"Be safe" Gio-nii replied before I teleported to the Estrano base.

MAN, that was long. I would have finished faster if I wasn't interrupted too many times. Anyways thank you and comment to tell me what you think so far. I know some of you mabey think this is a love story when you read the description, and your correct it is but that won't come till later so stay tuned for more.

I don't own khr.

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