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Hello everyone, I've finally healed from my wounds caused by a sadistic baby and can now start my chapter 4. Note that Reborn has the power to change into his adult and child form in this story but don't worry, I'll tell you when it happens. Also note that Tsuna/Cielo27 does not know that Retano is Reborn's adult form. She only knows of the baby form. Anyways, enjoy the story.

"Talk" -Japanese
"Talk"- italian
A/N - authors note

(Warning: Reborn is in adult form for the moment)

Previously on SAME MISTAKE:

"R..Retano-kun." I said blushing.

"Yo. Does this phone happen to be yours?" he asked while revealing a black phone with an orange 27 and lion keychain.

"Ah, hai. Where did you find it?" I asked out of curiosity.

"When you left, I found it on the ground infront of me so I asumed it was yours and was planning on giving it to you later, but it seems as I faith brought us back together when you bumped into me again." He retorted.

"Oh. Thank you."


'What's happening to me' * batump* ' why do I have this feeling whenever he looks at me' *batump* 'it feels, weird '

"Hahi! So your Retano-kun desu" I fidgeted went Haru said that.

"Yes that's correct" he replied.

"Ara. Tsu-kun was just talking about you." Kyoko said.

I blushed a shade of red that put tomatoes to shame. "W-w-wait a minute Kyoko-chan!"

"Ah Tsuna, didn't you say that you wouldn't do the same mistake twice desu"

"Mou, Haru-chan" I pouted.

"Oh, Is that so" Retano said.


"Oh, Is that so" I said. 'It looks like I already have a fan' "Anyway, my number is already in your phone so if I need something from you I will call because you owe me twice already."

"Ehh?!" She shrieked.

"Consider it as a way to repay me." I smirked "ciao".

With that I left the cafe with a bumd founded brunette left behind. 'Now, to get to the Sawada residence and meet my new student. But first...' * went down a dark alleyway to transform out of sight* 'I need to change into my child form.' I thought while smirking.

#back at cafe


"Eh? What just happened?" I asked.

"I think you just got punished / desu." Kyoko and Haru mumbled while sweat dropping.

I opened my phone and found a text from Retano-kun stating,
[Lets meet up again soon Tsuna.].

I blushed at the statement.

"Hahi, are you alright Tsuna desu?"

"Hai Haru-chan. I think I'll start heading home now. My onii-chan is coming home in a few. Ja ne Haru, Kyoko"

"See you at school tomorrow Tsu-kun/ Tsuna desu." Replied Haru and Kyoko.

I quickly went out the cafe and dashed for home hoping that my brother has not reached home yet.

----TIME SKIP---
(A/N Retano is the name of Reborn's adult form meanwhile Reborn is the name of his child form. I just want to make this clear so whenever you see either of these names for Pov you'll know which one I'm using. )

I made it to the Sawada residence and put the flyer in the mail box and hopped into the tree to hide. A few minutes later a woman with gravity defying hair and grocery bags came to the gate of the residence. 'I guess this is the mother, although she does remind me of someone but I just can't put my finger on it.' The lady went to the mailbox and took out mail which included my flyer and went inside.

10 minutes later a boy that looks like he's around the age of 17 came to the house. He had spiky (just like Primo's) brownish gold hair with brown doe eyes and was wearing a school uniform. ' i guess this is Tsuki, the one I'm going to tor- I mean tutor. Isn't school off for today? He has an a suitcase tailing behind him so it looks he just came back from a school trip.' The teen entered the house so I guess that's my que.

I hopped down from the tree and went to the front door.


I just arrived back from the trip to Kyotou and entered the house. I can't wait to see my little sister. I know it's only been a day but it feels like a month to me. (Me: ne ne Tsuna, why is your brother so over dramatic? It annoys me. Tsuna: I don't know Star-chan, aren't you the one whose writing it. Me:hehe, I guess to. Anyways lets continue. ) I hope she missed me too.

"Tadimas~" I shouted

"Ara Ki-kun, welcome back." Said okka-san.

"Did you miss me?"

"Of course dear, who wouldn't miss their own child."

"Haha, I guess so. Where's Tsuna by the way? She hasn't come to welcome me yet"

"Oh Tsuna, she went out to her friends this afternoon. "

I was struck by this answer. "By herself?"

Nana nodded.

"What if she's hurt or got assualted by some random boy gang or worse, .... kidnapped?!" I panicked. I sulked in a corner saying over and over " I'm a bad brother, I don't deserve to be her brother"

Nana sweat dropped at my actions. "Oh Tsuki, I have some good news. " I looked at her "I got a home tutor for you to help with your school work. And the good thing thing about it is that it's free. All he needs is a place to stay and food."

"Did you say he?"

"Hai, and I already called him so he's on his way."

"Hieee! This can't be happening! What if he tries to make a move on Tsu-kun" (A/N dude your over reacting)

"Calm down Ki-kun. Your over reacting over matters that might not even come"


After that the doorbell rung. 'It's Tsu-kun!' I opened the door but no one was there.

"Ciaossu." Said a squeaky voice.

I looked down to see an infant in a black fedora with a chameleon on his hat.

"Ah are you lost little boy?"

"Are you Tsuki?" He asked


"Ki-kun, who is at the door?" asked mama

"It's a little boy. You can come in kid." I called to the infant.

"Ara, hello there. May I asked what's your name?"

"I'm Reborn, Tsuki's home tutor Ms. Sawada" he replied.

"Ara, well it's nice to meet you Reborn-kun. You can call me maman" she said

"Wait a minute. Are you telling me this thing is my tutor?!" (HE JUST CALLED REBORN 'THING'! I've already dug your grave so that your soul may rest in peace.)

I recived a flying kick to the face from the infant. "Itte! What was that for?"

"Lesson 1, respect your tutor." He said

"Tadimas~" said a voice from the door.

Finally I'm finish. Things are starting to get interesting so stay tuned for the next chapter.

I don't own KHR.

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