Hey Babygirl

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Manny rushed up and put on his jeans, a tee,  and his Timbs. He went down stairs to let Daddy know. Thank God he was home. Usually he wouldnt even be here by this time. The contraction passed, so I got up, and there was water all in the bed. This was really happening.

I heard some big ass footsteps coming up the stairs, I knew it had to be Daddy. "Come help me pack the bags please, hurry before I have another contraction." I told him. He went through my drawers, I pointed at the stuff I wanted to take, while Manny helped put my shoes and jacket on. It was all happening so fast. She wasnt suppose to be here until next month.

I grabbed my phone to call Mia. I told her we'd be at the Treiger Hospital, on the North Side. And that I was in labor. She said that she'd meet us there in 10 minutes.

I had no intention on calling or texting Rich. He'll find out when she's born when he finds out. I aint telling him.

"Did you bring her clothes?" I asked Daddy. He nodded. We were all ready. Manny sat in the backseat with me as Daddy drove. "I'm having another contraction." I yelled.

"Just breathe baby, deep breaths ight?" Manny said.

"Why are you so good at this? This better be your first time." I yelled again.

He laughed. I kept taking deep breaths and felt relief when that contraction was over. Daddy pulled up to the emergency entrance. He ran in, and 2 nurses came out with a wheelchair helping me out of the car. Next thing I know is, I'm laying in a hospital bed, sweat dripping down my face, and Ta'Mia holding my right hand. "You're about 5 centimeters now Nyla, we're gonna start pushing at 10 okay?" The doctor said.

"Daddy can you get me some ice?" I asked him.

He walked out of the room. Manny came up to me. "You're gonna do great baby. She's almost here."

I kept on having like 5 minute contractions. When I looked up, the sun was up and it was 2:00pm. Fuck. I've been in labor for 12 hours. I just wish she would come out already. Shae, and Cam came in. "Hey beautiful, how are you?" Darshae asked.

"I'm still pregnant." I said in an annoyed voice.

She and Cameron laughed. "It'll be over before you know it." Cam said.

The doctor came in and said that I'm about 8 centimeters now. Ugh, 2 more to go. "I just want her out of me," I mumbled. Everybody laughed. I didnt know what was so funny. They arent pregnant, I am. If only they knew how much this hurts.

A room full of people. Talking and talking. My grandmothers came by. And talked to whole roof off, giving me a headache. I'm excited but pissed. If she dont hurry up and come out.


I was kind of nervous man. I just wanted everything to go smoothly, and I wanted her to come out just fine. I couldnt wait to be a family. I feel like I love Nyla, and I wanna be here for them.

3 hours pass by, and the doctor comes back in. "Nyla, are you ready to push now?"

"Yessss," Nyla said sluggish.

They repositioned her, and everybody left the room but me and Kaylen.

****NYLA'S POV****

The doctor wanted me to push on contractions, so I did that.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 the doctor counted.

"She moving," Manny said excited.

I pushed, 6 more times, for 10 seconds each, and a tear fell once I heard the cry of my babygirl. She was here. I was excited. I was so happy. I looked around to see Daddy smiling, and Manny. Manny came over to kiss me. The doctors wiped her off, and handed her to me. I examined her every feature. From her light brown skin, to her dark brown hair, to her full pink lips. Words couldn't describe how overwhelmed I was. All I did was cry. "Hey babygirl." I whispered to her. She finally opened up her big, light brown eyes. And I smiled.

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