The ending.

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I held my AK-47 to this bitch's head. What she did to me, what she did to my family, I just, I fucking hated her. Sweat dripped down her face as she shook in fear. "Look you've gotta listen to me!" She said terrified.

Just as I was about to pull the trigger she told me something, I never thought I would hear in my life. I dropped the gun and thought. It all fucking made sense. All of it.

--14 Hours Earlier--

I didn't go too far. I just drove to San Francisco to the St. Regis San Francisco Hotel. It took about 6 hours to get here from Compton but eventually we made it. I yawned and stretched as I got out of the comfortable bed.

I had to figure some shit out and I had to figure it out fast. I didn't want to stay in a hotel for so long. As far as Manny we're done. If we cant ever come to a compromise, if we cant ever figure nothing at then its not meant to be. All the lying and cheating we do isn't healthy. We gotta just move on and don't look back.

I snapped out of my thoughts once my phone started to ring and the caller ID showed up. "Momma." It read. I sighed, not wanting to talk to anybody. I still needed time to think but my heart and my mind were thinking differently and I answered the phone.

"Hello." I spoke.

"Hey baby, how are you?" She asked eagerly.

"I'm fine." I answered bitterly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I said bluntly.

"Well just calling check up on you, where you at?" She asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just asking. Maybe I could've stopped by." She suggested.

"Look I gotta go." I said just hanging up the phone.

What was weird was that my mom absolutely never calls to check up on me. I moved passed my thoughts and got up to brush my teeth. As I put Colgate on my toothbrush there was a knock at the door. "Room service this early?" I asked myself.

I dragged myself to the door to open it. "Daddy." I said letting out a sigh.

"Look Nyla, its not safe for you and the kids to be in San Francisco." He blurted out.

"Well its nice to see you too." I said avoiding what he'd just said.

"Listen to me you gotta go." He said getting worried.

"Why?" I asked him. He moved inside of the hotel room and I followed behind him.

"Its just not. You and the kids have to leave." He begged.

"Well we, don't have to go anywhere." I argued. "Well if you don't leave, at least let me take the kids." He asked.

"And I should trust you with my kids because..." I said sarcastically.

"Come on I'm your father." He said.

I laughed at his comment and brushed it off. "How'd you know we were here?" I asked him curiously.

"I always know where you are. That's my job." He said.

"Your job? Your job is to be there for me and not lie to me. did the opposite." I said.

"Now's not the time. I'm gonna take the kids home with me, if you want to stay, stay." He said shrugging his shoulders and waking the kids up.

I sighed and just let him do it. I was wondering what was so dangerous about being here. I wasn't afraid. Not anymore. I wanted to know what he was talking about, and I wanted to know why this situation was so weird. Daddy showing up out of no where, and momma calling me? Something ain't right.

"I love y'all okay?" I said as I kissed both of my kids on the forehead and let them leave with my father.

I sighed. Waiting around my hotel room all day with nothing to do. Manny keeps calling me, and I don't want to hear it. He's gonna say what he always says. Baby I love you, I'm sorry, all of that. I'm tired of it all. I got up out of my bed. I needed to go to the store to pick up a few necessities, just in case I had to stay here for a while to let my mind clear...again.

I walked into Target, as I was walking in the shampoo isle, I saw a familiar face. Not a good familiar face either. The day Ta'Mia died, all those feelings came back. There, stood before me was the woman who killed my best friend and basically got away with it. Cops are so stupid, they couldn't find this woman if they tried. So they closed the case after a few years.

She looked up at me frowning. Tearing up. "No, you don't understand." She said while getting sentimental. "At least let me explain to you, there's more to the story than you know know." She ended.

I didn't really speak to her. I had her follow me back to my hotel room so we could "talk." How ignorant is she? To think that I'm actually gonna sit there and have a conversation with someone who killed my best friend? Sadly mistaken.

I opened the door to my room, letting her inside and locking the door behind me. "Want anything to drink?" I asked her casually. She didn't know what was in store for her. I reached into the mini fridge to grab a soda, and in my other hand I reached under the mini fridge to grab my gun.

I held my AK-47 to this bitche's head. What she did to me, what she did to my family, I just, I fucking hated her. Sweat dripped down her face as she shook in fear. "Look you've got to listen to me!" She said terrified.

Just as I was about to pull the trigger she told me something, I never thought I would hear in my life. "Rich and I weren't the only ones involved in Ta'Mia's murder!" She called out. I dropped my gun.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"Someone close to you, someone you know very well is out to get you." She said in between breaths.

"Who!" I screamed at her. She took awhile before she answered.

"Kennedy Best. Your mother." She blurted out.

"What why?" I asked perplexed. Why would my own mother do that to me.

"That's for her to answer. I've said too much. And you didn't hear anything from me!" She called out before leaving my hotel room. I know I said I would go back home but right now I have no choice. I just started driving. Thinking that this time if I shoot her, she'll be dead for good. But I needed answers first.

Its 2 in the morning and I'm about to bust in my mother's house. I kicked down her door and made my way to her bedroom upstairs. She wasn't there. Where is she at? I turned around to go look for her and there she was. She looked like she'd been caught. And that's exactly what she was.

"So, you must know now." She said to me sighing.

I looked at her like she had 2 heads. "Why would you do something like that? I trusted you but the real demon was standing right beside me." I told her.

She sat down in her chair and sighed again. "Ta'Mia...she was too close." She admitted.

"Too close to what?" I asked her.

"She was just too close okay Nyla, that's all I could tell you. If you want to ask your father, ask him, but he won't tell you either." She explained.

"This is some fucking bullshit, I should fucking shoot your ass right now." I told her.

"Calm down and listen, me and your father did some bad things, but that was years ago. Ta'Mia's family, was somewhat involved. I cant give you specifics." She told me.

"What things like what!?" I screamed and held the gun to her head. If I killed her, right here, right now, it would be for good. There ain't no coming back to life this time.

I pulled my gun back and thought about how I would lose everything I loved if I did this. There was no one to run to now. Manny and I aren't together, Ta'Mia's dead, daddy and my mother are hiding something big. All I had now was me. But this wasn't the ending. This was just the beginning.


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