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      I sat in a fold out chair. There was a dark room full of silence. A dark room full of nothing, but a table, and fold out chairs. But the room wasn't all dark. On the table sat a lamp. A lamp pointed in my face, making me blink constantly.

I fanned myself with my hands, as it started to get hot. My body temperature has far exceeded moderation. I was still upset, hurt by the pain people have caused me. "I don't know how you do it." Manny would always tell me. Even he was able to see my struggles, the hurt. Daily. Not once and a blue moon, but daily. Pain wasn't new to me, it was actually getting kind of old now. To the point where I don't give a shit.

A tall handsome white man, walked into the dark room. I was at a police station, in downtown LA. "Nyla Harris right?" He asked me.

I nodded. Looking down at my hands, which still had dry blood on them. I then hid them in my lap. "I'm sorry about your friend Ms. Harris." The officer said to me.

I tear fell from my eyes. One by one they fell into my lap. "Its sad, I know-"

I cut him off. "You know?" I laughed right in his face.

"You mean to tell me that you know all the shit I been through? Shit, I cant even count on 4 hands the shit I been through in the past 7 years. Can you?" I continued.

"Lets just cut to the chase." I sat up and wiped my face. "My best friend, practically my sister, is dead because a bum ass bitch killed her. End of story. Did you find her or no?" I said with a straight face. My tears were gone, there was no more soft Nyla. I'm mad now. Shit.

He stopped then walked around the room. "I'm sorry but-" He started.

I cut him off again. "You're sorry? Why the fuck is everybody so sorry? Why you standing here questioning me? Go out and do your job. You know what, I'll do it for you." I was so tired of the bullshit, I was so tired of people being sorry. If nobody wanted to help me, then I'd do his shit on my own.

I stormed out of the room with my face fire truck red. "You ready?" I asked Manny who sat in a chair right outside the room.

"What happened? Why you so r-" He said.

It seemed like all I was doing lately was cutting people off. "No time for questions. Lets go. I'll explain later." I told him.

I got in Manny's car in the driver's seat. He stood there with a weird expression. As he got in the passengers side he whispered under his breathe. "Oh so now you in charge." Then his door shut.

I wanted to laugh but now just wasn't the time. I dropped Manny off at our house, so he could watch the kids while I go out.

I drove about 15 minutes to get to Daddy's house. He was the first person I thought about when I left the station. He was always the first person I relied on.

I got out the car and grabbed the house keys I had from when I used to live here.I entered the house. "Daddy!" I called out.

"Pops! Where you at?" I asked. I guess my father wasn't home yet. Just as I was about to call him and find out where he was, someone walked through the door. It wasn't daddy though. It was a face, a face I hadn't seen since I was 16.

"Rich?" I asked surprised.

"In the flesh." He laughed.

"What are you-" I started.

"Doing here?" He laughed again. "Its a loooong story Nyla. But long time no see huh?Aaahh, the sweet taste of revenge." Rich added.

I was still stuck on the fact that Rich was here. He was actually here. I didn't know how I felt. Back in the day when we were just kids, it was fun. But all the shit he put me through, came back to my head.

"What're you talking about? Revenge?" I was so confused as to what he meant. I was so blind as to what he was talking about. My vision started to clear.

"No, don't tell me you.." I started to tear up. "Rich, don't tell me you did this." Anger started to build up inside of me.

"Its okay, I didn't Nyla." He laughed.

"This is why money is made. So people like me can pay people to do our dirty work. Nice right?" He laughed again, his evil laugh. Only God knows what I wanted to do I his ass right now.

I wanted to take a big ass butcher knife and cut his head off. Then shoot his body 50 times. I'd take out his eye balls and keep them in my freezer as a souvenir.Then run him over with a monster truck.Then throw his sorry ass in a river. I had it all planned out. That was exactly what I wanted to do. But sadness, and hurt came back. It took over me.

Tears started to fill my eyes, as they turned blood shot red. "Why did you do this?" I cried.

He came over to me. "Baby please don't cry, I did it because of revenge. You ain't let me see my kids. And you broke up with me." He wiped my tears.

"Are you insane?" I asked.

"Something like it." He replied. "I thought about handling Manny, but I figured that would hurt too much." He shrugged.

"Hurt too much? Hurt too much! Rich do you hear yourself? You killed my best friend, so you don't think that hurt enough? You bastard." I finished.

"Look baby-" He said. I cut him off.

"Baby?" I laughed.

"It can just be you, me, and the kids." He added.

He kissed me forehead. "No." I said.

"No? Bitch, no?" He questioned. "That's how its gonna be." He angrily said.

"I said no Rich." He grabbed my throat and started to squeeze tightly. "I cant breathe." I said struggling.

I'm Nyla Marie Harris. Kaylen Harris's daughter. I'm no fool, nor stupid. Anything can happen anywhere. I remain strapped. Whether I'm just going downstairs for coffee, or just going to the bathroom. "Stop please." I cried.

He continued. I could see the devil in his eyes. I reached for my gun in the back of my pants. I started to feel light headed and I held the gun to his stomach. Gun shots went off but they weren't from my gun.

Rich dropped to the ground, and his grip of my neck was gone. I saw someone standing in the doorway. Gun pointed towards Rich. "You didn't think I was leaving you alone after did you? I cant risk loosing you." I took deep breaths in signs of relief that Manny came to my rescue.

"Manny?" I cried and he hugged me tight.

"Baby I love you." He whispered in my ear.

I continued to cry. "I love you too."

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