12 | Reckless

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The rain has finally stopped. After hours of complete and total downpour, the storm moved on and the Glade has a slight fog over the top of it. The sun has started to go down and with each fading ray of sun, more worry enters my body. Minho and Alby haven't gotten back yet. If they don't turn that corner of the Maze in about five minutes, they're going to be trapped. A circle has formed around the edge of the Maze, filled with worried and distressed Gladers.

"They should be back by now." Thomas says, biting his thumb nail.

"You're not really helping the situation, Thomas." I growl, a little harsher than I had originally intended, but it seems as if everyone agrees.

"What if they don't make it?" Thomas continues. 

"They're gonna make it." Newt answers, his eyes never leaving the Maze doors as he stands very close to me. 

"What happens if they don't?" Thomas argues.

"They are going to make it." Newt repeats.

The whirring that fills my nightmares begins. The doors start loading up to start shutting. 

I breathe heavily and turn towards Newt, "Can't we send someone after them?"

"That's against the rules." Gally answers. I turn and see him crouched over, with both of his hands on his knees. "Either they make it back or they don't."

Newt looks over at me, "We can't risk losing anyone else."

And then the wind starts. The bursting wind that throws my hair back. I bring my hand up and cover my eyes as the wind is mixed with some kind of sand. Then the doors. I watch in horror as they start shutting. My eyes widen as a brief "Oh no." comes from Chuck. 

"There!" Thomas yells. 

I move my arm from my eyes and look out into the Maze. Turning the corner is Minho, carrying Alby on his back. 

"Something's wrong." I realize. 

Newt's entire body tenses as Chuck starts screaming, "Come on Minho! You can do it!"

"Run Minho, run!" I scream, all the Gladers joining in with Chuck and I. Gally has completely stood up at this point, yelling out at Minho. The doors don't stop shutting and my heart doesn't stop pounding in my chest. Minho crumbles to the ground, Alby falling off of his shoulders and to the ground. 

"You can make it Minho! Come on!" I yell out towards him. Minho's head whips up and stares back at me, his eyes wide, realizing he's done for. 

Gally steps forward, "You've got to leave him, Minho! Come on!" 

I stare over at Gally, my eyebrows furrowed as I clutch onto Newt's arm in fear for Minho and Alby.

"They're not gonna make it." Newt concludes. 

Minho grabs Alby's ankles and starts dragging him towards the door. The doors are about three feet away from shutting. Minho is yelling out as he drags Alby, hopelessly. 

And then it was if I couldn't hear the shouts and screams anymore. As if the pounding in my heart had moved from my chest and up into my ears. I look over at Newt who's face is contorted in pain as he looks back at two of his closest friends who aren't going to make it. My eyes shade over and my face calms as I realize what I have to do. My hand drops from Newt's arm, causing Newt to glance over at me. 

"No!" Newt screams out as I take off running into the Maze. "Brooke!" Newt's yells are mixed with so much pain it's indescribable. I feel Newt's hands try to grab the back of my shirt, along with the rest of the Gladers, but I keep running straight towards Minho. The doors get so close that I have to turn my body sideways just to get to the end of it. 

And then I'm through. I throw myself down onto the Maze floor, breathing heavily as another body drops down on top of mine. 

"Thomas?" I question staring back at the dark-haired boy. 

Thomas looks down at me and then over at Minho, scrambling to his feet and crawling over towards him. 

"Why Brooke?" Minho cries out, slamming his fists against the Maze floor. 

I grab onto the Maze wall and pull myself up, "I couldn't let you be by yourself!" 

Minho runs his hands through his hair, his eyes wide and glossed over. 

"You're my friend, Minho!" I yell. "I wasn't going to let you be alone."

"Well you know who you just left alone?" Minho turns, yelling at me. "Newt!" Minho points to the Maze doors. "No one survives a night in the Maze and you just left the person who loves you the absolute most alone for the rest of his life."

I feel tears collecting in my eyes as I lean against the Maze walls. I bring my hand up to my face and slam my fist into the walls. "Aah!" I yell out, my screams mixed with actual pain and internal pain. 

Thomas looks over at me and then walks over to Alby, crouching down beside him. "What happened to him?"

"What does it look like?" Minho yells, dropping to the floor and pulling his knees to his chest. "He got stung."

"What happened to his head?" Thomas asks. 

"I did what I had to do, okay?" Minho answers aggressively. 

Loud, unearthly screeches come from somewhere deep in the Maze. This stops my sobbing as I look out into the Maze. Minho scrambles to his feet. 

"Help me get him up." Thomas says, looking between me and Minho.

"No," Minho objects. "The Maze is already changing. We gotta go." Minho starts walking, or limping, away from us. 

"Minho!" I yell out, my voice echoing against the walls of the Maze. "We're not leaving him here." I demand.

Minho stops in his tracks and turns, slowly, to look back at me. He starts shaking his head before he walks over to Thomas, his eyes never leaving me. "Congratulations, you just got us all killed."

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