A Response To "Dear Fat People"

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These are my opinions, please do not get mad at me over them.

Thank you, LeoFan for introducing me to this video.

Read what I have to say before you kill me, please.

I agree to a degree on what she's saying.

If you're overweight:

Yes, you should try to fix it.

Yes, you should worry about your health.

And for goodness sake,

You should not get free things just because you have a weight problem.

"Ah, Josie, you're such a jerk! Get out!"

No, I won't. I'm addressing my opinion and you should listen.

Obesity shouldn't exist in the first place. Having different body weights is perfectly normal, and completely fine. But when it comes to the point where you have health issues because of something you took further than it should be, that's not okay in my book.

It's harming yourself.

If you're eating so much you can't get off a couch, that's a problem. And if you're not doing anything about it, then you're just worsening it!

I'm not saying being bigger is a problem.

I'm also not saying being super skinny is a problem.

I'm not saying it's not okay to be bigger than others at all.

Body shapes.

They exist.

They're a thing.

And anyone can be beautiful, no matter what shape they have.

But if they're not putting an effort to keep healthy, that's not okay.

"Josie, you're such a hypocrite! You're not healthy either!"

No, I'm not very healthy. I'm skinny as heck, and I'm not extremely healthy. You see, you can be skinny and not healthy either.

I don't remember what it's called, but there's a little thing inside everyone that manages their weight and if they gain weight more than others faster or slower- for me, I can eat as much as I want and be a twig.



Yes, if you're healthy, you're most likely on the skinnier side, but there are people that aren't healthy and are extremely skinny. Nothing against skinny people either.

What I'm trying to say is:

You are beautiful, no matter your body shape.

But if you are harming yourself by being overweight, you need to make a change.

I'm not one to judge by looks, because every single one of you are beautiful.

And if you still want to kill me after reading this, all I have to say is


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