The Journey

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Nico's words had no effect on me.

I rolled my eyes, "yes I know I'm in trouble."

Nico practically glared at me, "not from mortals. From the monsters. We've got to get you to camp half-blood, quick."

I weighed options. The option that someone knew me well enough to pull this elaborate a prank is very extremely slim. I'm going with the option that this is real, and that I'll get to spend time with Nico, even if he is gay and won't ever  like me like I like him.

I followed him. He lead me to a beaten up camaro, that looked like the one from the first Percy Jackson book. He opened the back door, pushed me in and slid in beside me.

He closed the door, "I've got her. Floor it Rachel."

The girl behind the steering wheel, gave me a once over and floored it.

Nico turned to me, "I know you might not believe me. . ."

I cut him off, "I do. I'm a huge fan of the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series."

Rachel perked up from the front, "oh really? So am I. Although I fully believe that Rick described me all wrong. Either him or Percy."

"Wait." I say, "so both the series are based off interviews?"

"Yes." Nico answered.

Rachel piped up. "So. Who's your favorite character from the books?"

Nico started, "Rach, I don't think. . ."

I cut him off, "no, it's quite alright." I felt my cheeks burn, "to be honest, Nico, your my favorite from the books."

Nico raised an eyebrow, "you're not my type."

I already knew that, but it still hurt, so I made a joke, smiling the entire time, "what? Being a redhead? Do you have something against them? If it makes you feel better, I'm a natural brunette."

Rachel was laughing, Nico's cheeks turned pink, and I smiled sweetly at him.

Nico shook his head, "you're about as funny as Leo."

I grin, "why thank you. I find Leo pretty funny myself."

Nico snorts, "wait until you meet him."


Roughly thirty minutes later, Rachel pulled off to the side of the road by a hill that had the Athena Parthenos on it.

"Show time kids. Keep a look out."

I don't really know if I could fight a monster, but I think I could use my persuasion, I now know is charmspeak, to command the monster to go to sleep.

When we started up the hill, a tree landed to the side of us. I looked back and saw the gruesome sight of the minotaur.

The first Percy Jackson book doesn't even begin to describe the gruesome sight the minotaur was.

His arms and legs looked like something a body builder would have, his upper body was filled with coarse brown hair. There were horns sprouting from his head. He was easily seven feet tall. He was advancing towards us fast, we we're never gonna make it to the boundary line in time.

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