Taught By A Son Of Hades

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I wake up to people moving around the cabin. I look at my watch, it's nine.

One of the older campers sees that I'm awake, "come on, breakfast time."

After stretching out, I sit up, and fold my sleeping bag around my pillow and stuff them into my bag. I'm doing this in case Chiron decides to let me choose which cabin I sleep in, and if I don't want to stay in cabin eleven.

I leave my bag in one of the corners of the cabin, and walk down the steps. As I'm walking towards the pavilion, Nico joins me.

I smile at him, "morning Nico."

Nico smiles back, "morning Anne."

The way he said my name was. . . I don't know how to describe it, but I've never been so in love with how someone has said my name.

Nico twists his ring around his finger as he says, "I talked to Chiron last night. I asked if I could teach you."

I raised my eyebrows, "really?"

Nico nods, "I explained that being taught by someone you know is better than being taught by someone you don't know. He agreed to let me teach you."

I grin, "that's awesome! When do we start?"

Nico blushed, "right after breakfast."


Breakfast went the same as dinner. Afterwards everyone went their separate ways for their classes.

Nico met me by cabin eleven's table, "first is Ancient Greek."

We sat by the lake, and Nico quizzed me on the gods and famous heroes. I knew everything he asked about.

Nico thought, "what about the story about why there are men and women?"

I smile, "in ancient times, all humans were a combination of men and women. Two heads, four arms and four legs. They were supposedly so powerful, they made the gods uncomfortable. Zeus split them in half, man and woman, and ever since humans have felt incomplete. Humans spent their lives looking for their other half. That's my favorite story."

Nico raised an eyebrow, "why is it your favorite?"

I sigh, "it gives me hope that one day I'll meet someone that is completely unlike all the other guys I've met. It's a story that says everyone has a soul mate."

Nico twisted his ring around his finger, "do you think someone like me would have a soul mate?"

I place my hand over his to get him to stop messing with his ring, it worked, "of course. Everyone has a soul mate. Plus you're a really nice person, Nico. A much better person than just about anyone I've met."

I just hope he likes me the way I like him. I fully believe that Nico is the other half of my whole. It's a possibility. I desperately want to tell him how I feel, but I'm not sure how he'll react. I'm hopelessly in love. What am I going to do?

Nico looked like he was going to say something, but decided not to. I wasn't going to push him. If he wanted to tell me, he would.

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