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Anne threw her stuff down on an empty bunk and lay down, her boots hanging over the edge of the bed. Not that it really mattered, the gift from her mom was self-cleaning. One of the Ares kids tried to prank Anne by throwing mud on her, but the mud slid right off. Since then, Anne has been plotting revenge.

I ask, "so, any other ideas on how to get the Ares campers back?"

Anne smiles, "capture the flag. I plan on getting the flag myself. I've talked with the Athena kids and together we're gonna establish a plan that will crush anyone who opposes us!"

There was a maniacal glint in her eye that kind of freaked me out. . . A lot.

"Um. . . Anne, you kind of sound like an Ares kid."

Anne shyly smiled, "Sorry, it's part of my power. I guess."

I nod, "I guess it's understandable."

Anne smiles and closes her eyes.

My heart did a funny flipping in my chest as I watched her sleep, and I couldn't help the smile that spread like wildfire across my face.

I was immersed in my thoughts, so I jumped when Anne spoke, "I can't sleep when you're staring at me so intently Nico."

Focusing on Anne, and her smile sent my heart flipping again. I blushed and looked at the floor between my feet.

"Sorry." I mumble.

Anne laughed, "don't worry about. I was just saying I can't sleep with people staring at me." She yawned, and I looked up in time to see her stretch, showing a line of perfectly tanned stomach, "goodnight Nico."

I swallow the lump in my throat and say, "goodnight Anne."

Anne smiled at me one last time, and she scooted under her covers and fell asleep. I crawled under my cover, and stared at the ceiling.

My thoughts were chaotic, mostly thinking about how Anne looked when she smiled, and how beautiful her laugh was.

I sigh and think, 'I'm falling for her. Hard, but I can't help it. She's so beautiful, it's hard not to fall for her.'

I close my eyes, but all I could see was Anne. I remember when she admitted I was her favorite character from the books and I smiled, maybe she really did like me.

Then I remembered how everyone, even Percy, forgot about me in one way or another.

I sigh again and run my hand through my hair, wishing I could just fall asleep already.

Unluckily, sleep didn't come, but I heard Anne gasp and sit up.

I look over and see her eyes had a wild look to them, and she was breathing hard, as if she had been running.

I sat up, "Anne, what's wrong?"

Anne looked at me with eyes full of terror and something else, like tears. Then, she fled the cabin, leaving me sitting on my bunk in stunned silence.

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