The Gift

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I woke up in the infirmary alone and feeling like crap.

I groan, remembering what happened, and hope it's a dream.

Please, I plead, let it be a dream. Please.

Then, Nico walks in chewing on a nail, with a worried look on his face. When he saw I was awake, he hurried to my bedside and helped me sit up.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I smile, "I believe so."

Nico sighed, "okay, you gave me a scare after you passed out. I was afraid you were dead."

I lift my shirt up, and see a scar starting just under my right boob and running down to my hip.

"How long have I been out?" I ask.

"Another three days. It started scaring me yesterday."

Another? Seems like it wasn't a dream after all. I groan. Great, just fantastic. Faint the first day.

Wait. Six days out, one day up. That's a week. My birthday is today, I'm sixteen.

"Today's my birthday." I hear my voice say, amazed.

Nico frowned, "what do you mean today's your birthday?"

I raise my eyebrows, "really? It obviously means that today is my birthday. Duh!"

Nico smirked, "You could be on your deathbed and just as sarcastic."

Before I could respond, the air simmered before me, and a sizable box appeared on my lap. The box had a bow, with a name tag on it. The tag read:

Happy birthday, hope you like it kiddo.


I smile and say, "thanks mom." I don't know why, but I believe she can hear me.

Nico looks at the box curiously, "what is it and who is it from?"

I smile, "it's a present from my mom."

Nico arched his eyebrow, "who is your mom?"

I sigh, and tap a nervous rhythm on the box, "the goddess of the unknown."

Nico didn't respond, so I untied the ribbon and opened the box.

I reached inside the box and pulled out an orange camp half-blood shirt, a pair of my favorite brand jeans, a skeleton hoodie, steel toe boots, a super cute beanie, a pen, a silver snake wrap bracelet, and a gold tone watch.

Nico frowned, "why would Your mom send you those?"

I thought, she's the goddess of the unknown. There's obviously something special about these.

I observe the items and find they all have one thing in common. They had the omega symbol on them. I had an idea.

I look at Nico, "where can I change?"


A minute later, I'm wearing the clothes my mom sent.

I stepped outside, "what do you think?"

Nico turns and stares mouth open.

"What?" I ask with a smile and put my hands on my hips, "do I look that good?"

Nico recovers with a cough and turns red, "um. . . You like nice."

I laugh, "okay. Watch this." I press the omega symbol on my shirt, and I'm in full battle armor. My beanie became a helmet, my jacket and shirt became a breast plate and gauntlets, my jeans became armored pants with a utility belt, my boots stayed boots, my watch became a shield, my bracelet became a whip, and my pen became a sword. My pen turned sword was in a sheath where my left pocket was, and my whip is where my right pocket was.

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