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With a burst of strength and courage, I turned to face the Minotaur.

Nico pulled on my arm, "come on!"

I shake my head, "we'll never make if someone doesn't hold it off."

"Then you go, I'll stay."

I smile, "not happening. Now go!" I order.

Nico reluctantly turns and pulls Rachel up the hill.

I take a deep breath and feel an odd tug in my gut. On impulse, I grab a thick branch from the nearest tree and tore it off.

The branch was easily my height, but I spun it like it was a small twig. The Minotaur lowered its ugly head, snorted, and charged.

I spun out of its reach and whacked the back of its knees. The Minotaur roared in anger, it turned back around. I twirled the branch and slammed it into the side of the Minotaur's head.

The Minotaur roared, and swatted me with its arm. I flew back into a tree. The force of the blow took my breath away and I almost let go of the branch. I caught my breath, and saw the Minotaur charging. I rolled to the side, but I wasn't fast enough. The Minotaur's horn scraped my side, and impaled the tree I was sitting against a little while ago.

Anger flowed through me. I pointed the jagged part of the branch from where it tore off at the Minotaur, and impaled it through its chest from behind.

The Minotaur dissolved, and I staggered up the hill. I collapsed into Nico's arms. Rachel helped him drag me up the hill, all the energy I felt before completely gone.

When we crested the hill, I saw the vineyard, cabins, lake, and all the other buildings before everything went black.


I was floating, this was obviously a dream. I don't have many dreams.

Everything around me was white.

Then a woman appeared in front of me.

She was gorgeous. Her hair was long, curly, and dark brown; her skin was pale and flawless; her eyelashes were long, and even though her eyes were closed, I imagined her eyes were black as obsidian. She looks like me.

Then the woman's eyelashes flutter open, and her obsidian eyes observed me.

"Who are you?" I ask, my voice sounding small and child-like.

The woman smiled, "I don't have a name." Her voice was as light as air and as strong as a waterfall.

I frown, "everyone has a name though."

The woman smiled sweetly, "not everyone. Those who are unknown don't have names."

"So, who are you then?"

"I am unknown, but I'm also well-known."

I frown, "how can something be unknown and well-known?"

"You know the answer to that. Everyone does, whether they know it or not."

"What are you, some kind of riddler?"

"No, I just came to warn you." The woman says.

"Warn me about what?"

"My warning is simple. You won't fit in, and nothing is as it seems."

I grumble, "well, aren't you just as cheery as a unicorn sundae on a rainbow with a happy child?"

The woman laughed at my sarcasm, "just remember my warning, especially when it comes to boys."

I frown, even more confused, "what do you mean?"

The woman smiled, "I wish I had time to explain, but I have to go now."

The woman's eyes fluttered closed.

"Wait! Please don't go! I still have questions!"

The woman smiled, "you'll figure out all the answers in due time child; until next time."

Then the dream faded.

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