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When they stand up, they back up.

The guy says, "it's a trap! Keep an eye out."

As they look around them, I curl my whip up and put it back in its spot.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Nico lunge at the two enemies. Before I can react, Nico is deep in battle with them.

I see one of them slink behind Nico and raise his sword, I cry out, "no!"

I fling my hand in his direction, and a tree hanging over the river picked Nico up.

The two enemies stand shocked, and I use it to my advantage. Still angered, I stand up. I see my armor change to a fiery red.

The two enemies finally see me, and charge. I draw my sword, and expand my shield. The fight is almost brutal.

I slam my shield into one of the guys faces, and smack the other guy with the pommel of my sword. Their helmets fall off. The one I hit with the shield is a girl, the other is a guy.

My sword and shield are a blur. Our weapons clang loudly with every hit. In no time they are laying in the creek, out cold. I resheathed my sword.

I'm breathing heavily, as Nico drops from the tree that picked him up.

"How did you do that? You commanded the tree, and fought like an Ares kid." Nico asked, his eyes wide.

My legs felt like jello, so I sat down on the bank. "I. . . I d. . . Don't know."

I felt dizzy, and I couldn't see straight. All the adrenaline I felt seeped from my veins, pulling every last bit of energy I have with it.

Then someone holding the red teams banner held high, jumped across the creek from the enemy side, the person was flanked by a couple people. The flag simmered and changed from red to grey with an olive tree and an owl in the middle.

I finally recognized the person as Annabeth, Percy and a couple Hermes kids flanked her. The blue team erupted into cheers and lifted Annabeth up. I stood up and almost fell.back down. If it wasn't for Nico, I'd be soaked.

I smile at Nico and pushed the omega symbol on my breast plate, changing back into regular clothes, "thanks."

"No problem." Nico helped me over to where the rest of our team was celebrating.

Annabeth jumped down from her perch when she saw me, "are you okay?"

Smiling I say, "I think that's a question you should ask them."

I point over my shoulder where the two I fought were just standing up.

I heard the guy say, "you'll pay for that."

Turning around, I ask, "how? You're not going to the hospital. Plus you're only bruised, maiming is against the rules."

I finally get a good look at their faces, and it feels like I was punched in the stomach. I couldn't breathe.

Somehow, I didn't stutter when I ask, "Chase, Ally?"

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