I Beat Percy

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The entire day Nico was teaching me, I couldn't stop marveling at how much my powers were growing.

We were sitting on the canoe lake's pier, taking a break from sword fighting. Nico said I did awesome, and that I learned twice as fast as anyone else ever. I told him about my power to manipulate and control other's abilities. I believe that being at Camp Half-Blood has kick started my ability.

We were sitting on the pier, resting, when Chiron found us.

"Anne," he said. "I've decided to let you and your siblings choose which cabin you want to stay in."

I grin, "sweet. So I can sleep in cabin infinity?"

Chiron frowns, "I've got to go, master's archery class is in a bit."

Chiron trotted off, and I laugh.

Nico shook his head, "so, which cabin will you sleep in?"

My grin faded to a shy smile, "well, I'm not very sociable. Would it be okay if I bunked with you?"

Nico's face was filled with disbelief, "sure. I don't mind."

A voice in my head started talking, there's your chance! He might actually like you. You guys have a lot in common. There's a great relationship possibility brewing.

Then a wave of water came rushing towards us, I threw my arms up. The best part was that the water parted around us, deflected by me.

Percy was standing on the water a few feet from us, looking disappointed.

I conjured an illusion of me. It jumped down from the pier, this was gonna be fun.

I grin, "wanna go?" I ask summoning a water sword for my illusion.

Percy grins and summons his own water sword, "sure. This'll be an easy victory."

"I wouldn't be so sure. You may be a son of Poseidon, but I have a feeling you'll be losing this battle."

He struck, my illusion parried. They danced around a bit. Then I was tired of all the playing and summoned a water bazooka, and blasted Percy with it. After he tried deflecting it back to my illusion, I blocked the attack. He went under the surface; he came back up sputtering, finding me on the pier. I summoned a strawberry.

"Face it, you're no match for me." I say, eating my strawberry.

"How did you. . . ?" Percy trailed off.

I smile, "it's a simple trick of the Mist."

I conjured up another illusion of me. "The water was real though."

I turn to Nico, "Come on. I want to try more sword moves."


An hour later I've learned just about every sword move Nico knows.

Nico drags me toward the cabins, "come on, we should get you moved in before dinner."

I nod and we head towards the cabins. I summon a cool breeze for the both of us.

Nico sighs, "thank you."

I grin, "you're welcome."

Then we reach cabin eleven, I grab my things, and we move to the Hades cabin. Nico holds the door open for me.

Inside is clean. The beds are mahogany and brass with blood-red sheets.

I look at Nico, "this is awesome."

Daughter of The GodsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz