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I blink. Wait, did I just say that? For real and not in my head?

Damn, this girl has got me fifty shades of fucked up, and she's only been awake for three minutes!

Anne smiles, and I feel my heart start to melt. Her smile brings out a dimple on her left cheek, and lights up her hazel eyes.

Anne raises an eyebrow, "is that so?"

Well, it seems like I did say that out loud.

I swallow, "yeah."

Never in my life have I ever been so confused or so in love. This even beats the first time I met Percy.

Anne takes another bite of her ambrosia, and I noticed that she was almost finished with the bowl.

Anne ate the rest of the ambrosia, and handed me the bowl, smiling. "Well, I appreciate you taking care of me. Plus you're right. Waking up to a familiar face is much better than waking up to a stranger's face."

I felt my heart swell with joy at her words. When I stood up to put the bowl up, I was mentally cursing myself.

You can't fall for her. Females are too confusing. There's no way you could ever really get to know her.

Then a voice of reason spoke up, you never know until you try. The last time you wanted to get close to someone, you chickened out. The worst is that she could reject you, but there is always a chance she'll like you. Plus she did say you were her favorite character from the book series. That must mean something.

I weigh my options.

Choice one: forget she ever said anything about me being her favorite in the book series, because that was how Rick interpreted me, and not how I really am. That would also mean throwing away a chance at love.

Choice two: take the risk to try something different. Pursue love, and follow my heart and instincts instead of what I think is right. That would also mean learning to control fear of the unknown.

When I sat back down, I decided to go with option two. I'm not going to let some random voice in my head to dictate my life.

We talked for a bit. Just about life, and the camp. I was talking about my old life in Maine, when I realized she avoided most of my questions. The questions she avoided were about her past.

I asked, "what about you? Where did you come from?"

Anne looked nervous, "I don't really know."

My brows knit in confusion, "what do you mean? You have to come from somewhere."

Anne bit her lip, "well, I grew up in Seattle for a few years with my grandma, and then at an orphanage. I never knew my parents, and my grandma never talked about them."

"What about birth certificates and things like that?"

Anne shook her head, and sighed heavily, "the only thing I know about my birth is my birthday."

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