Capture The Flag

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On Chiron's order the blue team heads north and the red team heads south.

Nico grabbed my arm, "come on."

I ran beside him, until we caught up with Percy and Annabeth.

Annabeth eyes my outfit, "you're the new girl."

The way she said that kind of angered me, "Yes. Why?"

"You're on border patrol." She said and turned away.

I'm sure the story of me fainting spread like wildfire. I was probably pegged for a weak link.

"I'm not being used like bait."

Annabeth looked at me, her eyes narrowed, "you're not being used as bait."

I could tell she was lying. I smile, "you're lying, you were planning on using me as bait. The story of me fainting on the first day I was awake, probably spread like wildfire and the kids from the Ares cabin have pegged me for a weak link. You're gonna use me as bait to keep them distracted, so you can with the game. It's all very simple."

Annabeth looked at me like I just sprouted a few extra limbs.

I think about that, "well, if you look at it, it's very logical. Border patrol it is then."

I smile sweetly and Nico drags me off, "I'll help her, Annabeth."

When we reached the creek, Nico turned to me, "do you have a death wish?"

I cross my arms, "no, I just hate it when people wrongly assume things."

Nico shook his head, "just be careful, okay."

I grin, "careful is my middle name."

The conch horn sounded, and Nico sighed. I had a brilliant idea.

"Nico, hide."

Nico arched an eyebrow, "why?"

I grin, "I have an idea."


"Oh, no. That's not good." Nico says.

I put my hands on my hips, "why not?"

Nico looked at me like I was crazy, "your ideas are hardly sane!"

"Oh really? Like what?"

"Fighting the Minotaur. By yourself!"

I smile, "that's the only idea you've seen of mine so far. Just trust me okay?"

Nico grumbled, "fine."

"Good. Now, hide behind that tree."

Nico reluctantly slinks behind the tree. I push the omega symbol on my breast plate, and think camouflage armor. I watch in amazement as my armor changes from a silver color to an obsidian color.

Slinking forward, I crouch in the creek, awaiting my targets.

A few minutes later, I heard an exasperated grunt.

A deep voice from the other side of the creek said, "I thought you said Annabeth would put the weak link on border patrol!"

The voice that answered was feminine, "I know she did. That's something a kid of Athena would do!"

Something about those voices seemed familiar, then the two who were talking stepped forward. Their swords and shields were raised and their steps were careful.

I pull my whip out and flick it out. It wraps around the closest person's ankle. I tugged on the whip, and the person fell with a yelp. The other guy was looking for the assailant when I flicked the whip at him and tripped him.

I just need to keep this up until the conch sounds.

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