twenty one

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Chapter Twenty-One;

After months of planning with Clint and Natasha, now that Evan and Cristina were by her side it was only a matter of fine-tuning the plan and making final preparations.

This had taken a week – involving showing Cristina and Evan the blueprints, guard roster, and every single note Delaney had managed to draw up. It involved Evan using his technological genius to ensure he could hack into the security system, of Cristina and Delaney training fiercely together in preparation for the invasion. Delaney didn't even bother trying to refine use of her power, since she knew that everyone would be shielded from her anyway.

The day before they planned to go in, Delaney was feeling confident. They had gone over the plan numerous times, and now everything lay to luck. Delaney had been going to bed tired for a week now, as a result of late-night preparation, but tonight she was ensuring that she got a restful sleep so she wouldn't be lethargic for the mission. They had estimated how many people they would encounter inside, though they had no real way of determining the actual amount.

However, it was still fairly early, and her body was showing no signs of tiredness. Delaney sighed and nestled back on to her bed, staring blankly up at the ceiling. She needed something to come and make her fall asleep.


The answer came her to mind instantly. A night conversation with Steve was just the thing she needed to lull herself to sleep.

Steve? she called quietly in her mind. She reached out and felt the familiar touch of Steve's mind, a smile instantly spreading across her face as she did. You there?

Please be awake please be awake please be awake –

I'm here, Lane. Delaney didn't have much time to celebrate hearing his voice; it was not the response she had been expecting. It was hasty and quick, as though he was preoccupied and couldn't talk to her. Will this be quick? I'm sorry, but I don't have much time.

Though she knew Steve must have a good reason, she couldn't stop the involuntary flash of hurt passing through her body.

What's going on?

Have you been watching the news?

No... The TV has been off all week, and I haven't contacted you because I've been so busy.

Steve sighed. Good news: we found Loki's staff. Bad news: it was taken again, we managed to create a new enemy in Tony's Ultron vision, and we have two enhanced enemies to deal with.

Delaney sucked in a breath. Her previous state of being joyful to speak to Steve faded, replaced instead with a sickening dread. Well. That's just fine and dandy, isn't it?

We're headed to find Ultron now. How much longer are you going to be, Lane? I-We need you.

Delaney didn't fail to notice his slip-up at the end, and a shiver passed down her body. Not for the first time, Delaney wondered if perhaps she did have a chance with Steve Rogers, if she wasn't just pinning her hopes to a dream.

I don't know how much help I'll be against robots... 

Did AIs even have a mind for her to control? Was an AI a mind? Delaney tried to reason through it, but nothing sounded logical. 

But I'll be there soon. Our operation should be finished tomorrow and I'll fly straight to you.

Straight back to her family, and fighting alongside them. Back to where she belonged.

Warmth passed down the bond between their minds; Delaney detected relief and happiness from the super soldier. Stay safe, okay? I couldn't handle it if you didn't come back.

I know, Delaney informed him gently. I feel the same way about you. So I'll remain safe if you promise to stay alive, too.

I promise.

Then I promise as well.

Their connection fizzled out. Delaney smiled and shivered once again, even though she wasn't cold. Steve just had that effect on her.


Delaney lifted her head to see Cristina's silhouette in the doorway. "Cristina. Hey."

Cristina sauntered into the room, her hand tapping absently against her thigh. Delaney shifted over on the bed to make room; Cristina smiled and collapsed upon it gratefully.

They shifted onto their sides to look at each other. Cristina's dark hair fell in soft curls around her face. She must have just showered – her hair always curled after it was wet, then straightened out as it dried.

"You look anxious," Cristina noted, pursing her lips. She reached out and took Delaney's hand. "Worried about tomorrow?"

"Sort of." Delaney shrugged. She tried to maintain eye contact with Cristina, but soon her eyes glazed and she was looking instead at a loose thread in the bedsheet. "I'm worried about the others, too."

How did one defeat an AI? It sounded almost impossible. And if the two other enhanced were out there... Delaney didn't even know how powerful they were. Would they just be a headache, or so powerful that they could pose a real threat? She hadn't asked.

Not knowing how much danger her friends were in sent her stomach churning in knots, and made her all the more desperate to get the following day out of the way so she could be by their side.

"Hey," Cristina said gently. "Tomorrow is just another standard blow-up-the-enemies-and-go-home operation. We've done it so many times before. The others can survive one more day without you."

"I know," Delaney mused, her mind flashing back to the numerous successful missions just like this one she had accomplished with her two friends. She sighed, chewing on the inside of her cheek. "I just miss them. I was only reunited with them for a brief time, and Steve -"

She cut off her sentence and heat flooded to her cheeks. She hadn't even mentioned Steve to Cristina, and now –

Cristina's smirk said it all. "You like him, don't you?" she teased.

Delaney rolled her eyes, though it felt like her entire body was blushing. "A lot," she admitted. "Too much."

Cristina grinned and shifted closer, taking both of Delaney's hands within her own. "When you see him again, tell him."

"I will."

And she would – because even though their missions were a constant part of Delaney's life, she had no way of knowing if she would survive each one. If one day, she wouldn't take a stray bullet to the chest. There was too much at stake, and she really did care deeply for Steve.

Cristina smiled and patted Delaney's shoulder as she propped herself up on to her shoulder. "You need sleep now, team leader. Can't have you collapsing on the job." She swung her legs off the bed and stood, stretching out.

Delaney laughed. "Fair enough. Thank you, Tina."

Cristina smiled.

"Anytime, Lane."

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