WACA [2] So Many Questions.

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The photo above was photographed by me xD. By the way Is the story great so far?

Mal's POV

Getting up from bed seeing Evie asleep, snoring. I took a look at the window its still dark, probably 3:00 in the morning.

Since there is curfews here in Auradon. I'll stay here, I'd like to be alone just myself. In the dark where no one could hear me. Actually, Evie can but she's asleep.

Looking in the nearby lake. I don't know what to do in this times. I'm afraid that he would come back again.

I mean by he is.. my father. He came here just to ruin everything, going here just a 5 months ago. I could still remember anything. How he threatened me.

I'm afraid.

Ben leaving my side would make me suffer in fears. Nightmares kept coming through my mind rather have a good sleep.

This nights, all I do is cry.

Cry to myself with no reason. I know there is a reason why, but I couldn't know what it is or what will it be. It makes me hate myself more than I ever thought. You could take everything from me just not my friends and my lover.

They make me safe and sound. I wouldn't know what to do if they waren't here with me. But that thought about Ben? I'm thinking of letting it go really. I just want to keep it between me and my friends.

Ben is being a total jerk. He isn't that gentleman I know. I kept thinking about this stuff and I didn't even notice I'm crying.

For some reason I gave a smile when I felt it. I'm happy about it. Why though? Crying shows affection of sadness, not happiness as far as I know. I'll won't mind it, at least tears can make me happy. But in reality, I'm just this girl who was know to be born as a villain that being this and that.

They don't even know what I've been through all they know is that I'm that kind of girl that wants everything to be right.

Is this right? Crying all over the things that I don't regret? I don't think so. Looking at the clock, it was 3:57AM. What the heck, I almost cried for an hour? Is time playing games with me, cuz' I'm not up for it.

It's near on having a new year again. Has it been that long? No it doesn't.

Life is just a pattern, a kind of pattern that you don't actually know what's coming and what will happen. That's how life works. Just get along with it. Choose the right thing,

And don't regret it.

Then why am I feeling like this? I'm regretting the right thing to do. I have so many in my mind and I don't know whether to tell or not.

I don't want my friends to see me bothered about something. I don't want them to get into my situation. I don't want o see them worried or concerned about me. I hate those.

Preparing myself to go to the lake, our place. I took a deep breath wiping up my tears, walking carefully, and slowly. So, I could avoid waking Evie up.

Opening the door noticing it was 6:38AM when I looked at my watch. I took out my phone.

To: ❤️

I would be waiting for you. If you don't show up then don't be surpised if I break up with you over a text.

From: ❤️

Chill, we missed the party last night so don't get mad. I also missed the drinks.

To: ❤️

Benjamin, are you alchoholic? What kind of king is that?

Since I'm really mad at him I changed his caller ID to Benjamin.

From: Benjamin

I am not alchoholic. You don't have the right to say that over a King.

Getting really annoyed I shoved my phone to my pocket, Not caring about replying. Closing the door gently. Walking my way to the exit of the school.

"Good morning." A playful voice said behind my back. "Good morning Evie." I looked back and smiled. "I gotta go somewhere, see you later." I waved good-bye as she did the same thing.

Using my bike, I used it all the way to the lake. Driving through the trees. Upon arriving I sighed, laying the bike on a tree. Getting off I saw a person on a blue suit.


I walked to him with anger inside me. "So you came." I furrowed my eyebrows "Of course I would come. I wouldn't embarrass myself being a coward person, Mal." He rolled his eyes.

"What's with the attitude." I said calm  "The attitude? What the hell are you talking about Bertha." He said harshly. "That's it. I don't want another arguement written all over my head and I just want your explanation."

He scowled "You don't deserve an explanation with me doing nothing." He chuckled with annoyance. "Then why are you acting like a different person huh? You kept focusing about your carrer and just being a king!" I shouted.

"You're the one who's acting like a different person and me being a king is important so I need to focus on it."

"You're being too focus Ben. It makes you forget who's the person tha also supports you." I rubbed my forehead, saying those word in a modulated voice. "Stop shouting!" He said covering his ears

"I am not shouting." I took my face in being angry, "As far as I know you are shouting at me." He pointed at me, shoving it away he looked at me in disgust.

I took a deep breath to calm myself, making myself patient. "I can't live with arguing Ben. This running over my life would be the death of me! I don't want that. I'm giving you a chance." I said walking away, having one glance seeing Ben with a frown. "I don't know you anymore." I said before taking off, tears forming down my cheeks.

Why won't life be that easy?

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