WACA [7] Cuts and Bruises.

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Jaxon's POV

I went out to buy food for us, specially when Mal wakes up. Evie had to go back to her dorm room to gather some stuff. The doctor from the school said that we have to go to a hospital.

The doctor didn't identified what's the problem with her. Well, hopefully when we transfer Mal into a Hospital the professionals can identify the sickness she's living on.

Before entering the room. It seems like sobbing and screaming was heard. The outside was crowded with tons of people. There was a nurse blocking the door keeping everyone outside, not letting them come in.

"Please don't be loud." The nurse said yelling mostly. Going through the tough crowd, I know that I have to come by respectfully but I need to push the others to get close to the door. I approached the nurse calm. "What's happening?" I questioned.

"She's having a panick attack. She won't be calm until this crowd won't get quiet." She answered. Everyone heard a glass shatter. Theres only one way to make the other students go away. "Everyone. We need you guys to go back to your dorm rooms. With all your respect please!" I shouted.

"Why would we listen to you? The girl inside there is having the most annoying thing ever. We girls supposed to have a beauty sleep. I can't wait to get my hands to that girl." I young girl said.

I rolled my eyes and said, "First of all. Prince's order. Second of all. This girl has something tough going on right now and I don't think you're gonna have your beauty sleep because today has PE classes. I don't want to see mascara dripping down your eyelids." I snapped. Everyone kept quiet, others annoyed, others are mad.

Seconds later the crowded place was now clear. Peaceful and calm. I turned around, "Can we now get Mal calm?" I said while the nurse didn't hesitated to nod her head and open the door.

We saw Mal on the bed. Her hands on her ears trying to cover it from hearing noise. She was crying and having deep breaths. The doctor was on the couch wiping sweat from her forehead.

The place has vases shattered everywhere. The table was flipped. The couch dislocated same with the table. The dresser was broken. A pudle of water was like a river slowly making its way to the door.

I came towards Mal and gave her a hug to calm her down. "Please don't ever leave me." She mumbled enough to make myself hear it. "I won't leave you Mal." I whispered on her ear. Before I could say anything more, she passed out.

I lay her back on the bed carefully. I wipped the tears running down her cheeks. "We need to bring her to the hospital." The doctor spoke. "But first can we take care of her cuts?" I said while they both nodded.

After a long while of putting bandages and ointments on her cuts. We got her checked in on the hospital. Of course her friends was there. Kind of akward that they all have different kinds of style in their clothing.

Mal was still passed out or lets just say sleeping on the uncomfortable bed. I was worried about her. What if her sickness is going to be something major? I'm sure she can't handle it on her own.

The door swinged open. Revealing a doctor with a clipboard and glasses. The doctor smiled and said, "Hi I am doctor Soren. So I'm here to help you guys on her medicine." He took a paper from the clipboard and gave it to me.

I gave him a broad smile. He was about to leave but I stopped him by saying, "Uh- doctor." I said making him enter again. "Yes?" He says. "Do you know what's her sickness?" I questioned.

He took a deep breath. "Can we talk about this outside?" He asked firmly while I nodded in agreement. We both went out of the room. "Mal has a disorder. Her situation is major. But luckily she won't die from it. She would just live with it until she fights her own sickness." He says.

"Can you tell me what's the specific sickness?" I asked leaning against the wall. "Well. Her sicknesses are panic disoders and Agoraphobia. As of her sickness, she would experience unexpected panic attacks.

She would also experience them even in sleep. Like what just happened on your school. Nightmares would
happen mostly. About Agoraphobia. She would avoid crowded areas, she wouldn't like places that she had panic  attacks before.

There could be a possibility that she would pass out and a coma for a year or month. She would also wake up without remembering anything. If you want her to live if she would ever experience the pass out thing." He stopped.

I don't have the rights to tell you this. But you have to make her feel loved. There would be a moment that you would lie to her that you we're a special person on her life. If you ever need more details that may help you just go by my office. Remember what I said." He finished walking away.

I was speechless. I can't lie to her. If she would find out her situation would be twice more major. I walked back inside. I sat on the the couch with no reaction on the outside. But in my inside I feel like a backstabber, and being tortured.

I felt this hard feeling on my mind that I was very angry. I couldn't control it. I just want to shout, swear or even punch the wall but I know that won't help. Mal would have another panic attack that would make me all worried again.

There's only one person who did this to Mal and I can't wait to punch him hard on the face. The door swinged open again making all of us gaze on the door. It was the person who caused this all.

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