WACA [11] Who?

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(Three POV's will contain this chapter)

Mal's POV

Today I got out of the Hospital. Thank God, I wasn't uncomfortable anymore. Like seriously hospital beds are the worst. It's currently 10:57 right now.

Today also means I have to talk to Ben and Jaxon. Well, what am I waiting for? I should call them. Lets call Jaxon first. After one ring he picked up. "Hello?" I heard his voice.

"Hey Jaxon." I started. "I heard that you we're out of the hospital today." He said with a giggle. "Yeah, so could we meet this morning like 11:00?" I said waiting for an answer. "I was actually expecting that we could go out in 8:00PM." He said in disappointment.

"That's fine I could go out in 8:00PM." I said earing a grateful sigh from him. "Okey I'll see you soon." He said ending the phone call. Alright, lets call.. uh- Ben.

After calling him two times he did answered. "Hello?" He said like he just woke up. God, that voice. "Hey Ben." I laughed akwardly. "Wait Mal? Is that you? Oh, I'm so sorry I just woke up." Yeah, I know. "So can we meet up later 8:00PM?" 8:00PM? That's the time Jaxon said.

"I think silence says yes. I'll see you later," He ended the call. "Shit," I muttered. I'm such a dumb person. I have to choose one of them but who should I pick? Ben or Jaxon?

Jaxon's POV

How should I approach her? Do I act charming and just play it cool? No. Girls like romatic guys. Lemme' practice.

I stood up from the wooden chair and walked forward at the mirror. I took a deep breath. "Hey Mal, you look gorgeous," I said with a giggle. "No, she wouldn't like that," I mumbled. "Hey babe, lookin' good," I took out a smile. "No, too trendy," I face palmed.

Okey, I'll just give her flowers and just be common. She would found common lovely right? I need to go by the town to get her roses. I went out of my private dorm room and went to the stable to ride my horse.

This school is really far away from town. Specially this school is located in the woods. They try to hide it out from the outsiders. I don't think they're outsiders. They're just normal persons like us but without royal status.

"Hey there, Zayn." I greeted my horse and gave him a little hug. Adjusting the sadle, I climb over it and went to the town. Greeting people good morning they seem to be happy. Me, myself is happy. Before entering the flower shop, they were guards all over.

Maybe a prince is inside? This guy may be the prince of this place. I don't want guards all over me, actually. I found myself with guards that I'm weak to protect myself and I don't want them to waste their time guarding me. I want to see them spend time with their family and not me. They don't even know me. Like I'm not related to them.

I tied the lead at a near by wood. As I was about to enter the door they stopped me. "Sorry sir, but you may not go in," A large guard stopped me. "Sir, let me go in," I furrowed an eyebrow. "But sir yo-" I interuppted him from continuing his sentence. "Prince's order," I said with a thick accent.

They nodded and opened the door for me. Oh, look. Ben's here. "Hey there Ben," I said seeing an surprised expression on his face. "Hey there Jaxon. Nice to see you here," He sarcastically said. "You going on a date?" I questioned. "Yeah, how about you?" He questioned back, while I nodded my head.

I walked to the counter and said, "Good morning Mrs. Haskoff may I order the special one?" I said earning a giggle from her. "Good morning Jaxon, coming right up," She said entering the door on the left. "You must know every person here," Ben faked a smile.

"Yeah, I like going around the town knowing people more," I said.

"So, they have a special one?"

"Yeah. Mrs. Haskoff used to be my maid. She said she wanted to start a flower shop. So, I helped her."

"You made this flower shop for her?" He said while I chuckled. "Why not? She was my maid for 9 years," I said looking at the amazed face Ben had. "You are such a good person," He said letting out a laugh. "Here you go Jaxon," Mrs. Haskoff apparently appeared from no where. "Here you go," I gave her two bags of coins.

She looked up to me with a questioned face. "This is to much," She said trying to give back the bag. "It's fine," I said forcing her to keep it. "I'll be going now. Good bye Mrs. Haskoff," I said waving good bye.

Ben's POV

Jaxon is too kind. Unlike I am. The girl she's going to date will be very lucky to have him. After getting the flowers I ordered, I exited the shop. Guards are here. "Guys, I told you not to follow me. It's your free time. Go spend time with your family," I gave them a worried smile.

"Sorry Ben but your assistant told us not to leave your side," They said looking down. "I'll take care of him, go ahead. Don't tell them I let you guys off," I said earning grateful nods.

Going to the castle, I gave people friendly greets and smiles. I tied the horse to the stable and went straight to my room. I pulled out a black suit and a red bow tie. Calling some friends for advice.

I went in the shower to take a bath cuz' I smell. Thankfully the people didn't smelled my stinkyness.

Knowing that I'm not following Maleficent's deal makes me more tough. Even a little scared too. I don't
know what will happen but my family Is not protected as far as I know.

After I prepared myself, I brushed my teeth and took deep breaths. I'm ready. I'm going to use the motorcycle I used in our first date.

Going to Auradon High., I was very nervous but excited. She accepted it. I mean not really but she didn't stopped me. I went around the dorm halls ans found her hall but I noticed something. Someone's is infront her dorm room with flowers in a black suit.

Oh Shit, I think I know who it is. I walked closer to the unknown guy. It's Jaxon?

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