WACA [18] I Missed You.

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This chapter will have a peak through Marco's stroy or point of view please comment if you want more of his POV. I promise I'll be updating more often. I won't speak to much and lets go on with the chapter.            

               || Marco's POV ||

I pointed at the purple haired girl. "She's my mother?" I furrowed an eyebrow. He licked his lips and nodded with a grin. "So, you guys are together or.."

"Yes, we are together." They both said in chorus. I took a moment to digest the fact in my brain and slowly understood it. "Well then. I shall be going and practice for the ball. Mother, father." I smiled and gave them both a hug. "Take care." Mother said patting my back.

Well then, this isn't going to be hard after all. She looks fine. Better than I expected my mother would be. They're both young and in the age of twenties while I'm 18. The fact that I am taller than her and Ben, my foster father is taller than me makes me look like I had genes from him.

Actually my real father was tall like him.. and mostly looks like him.

Before going, I went to my room to change. I removed my suit and exchanging it with a long sleeve white button up shirt and putting on a black leather vest. changing my suit pants to a black leather pants to match the vest. I inserted a sword belt to the belt hole.

I had a hand knife on the right side and a combat sword on the left. I equipped a bow and arrow back quiver and of course had a bow and arrows on my back. Lastly, combat boots and putting one hand knife in the right boot, covering it with the leather cloth.

Applying hair gel, I had it up and before going out I folded the button up shirt's sleeves below it coulf meet my elbow. Of course, placing the crown above my head.

I turned around and turned off the light and walked to the stables. Greeting my horse. "Good morning, Volture."I grinned petting him in head. Pulling out an apple from my pocket. I gave it to him and he swiftly swallowed it. "Don't worry we'll be having more after we get there." I jumped around the saddle and inserting my feet to the foot rests.

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I held the rope and flinged it causing Volture to run. I went straight the dirt without a path and pulling a bow and arrow from the quiver. Shooting out the targets as Volture ran to the common place I go. Hitting the targets in the middle as possible, I succeeded and arrived successfully at a hidden wood house.

I got down from Volture and had him tied up in a wooden barrier. I jogged to the door, opening it with a key.

This is the house where she lives, since the day that we were together. Soon she'll be my queen and I'll be his king living in the castle of Auradon.

Tomorrow will be the day that I'll convince her to come with me and key her meet my mother and father, well, my foster parents. I heard a click from the door, proving that it is opened. I slowly twisted the door knob and the door opened.

The place was yet the same and everything was in the same place as they were just a few days ago.

"Marco?" I heard her sweet delicate voice from upstairs. She went down to reveal her self. "Liza." I grinned. She ran up to me and gave me a hug, I hugged back giving her a kiss on the cheek.

She was wearing a white flowy dress and her hair was braided. A purple flower was tucked behind her ear. She's perfect. She's very beautiful and elegant. What I like the most about her is that she's simple and unlike any girls she doesn't seek attention.

"I'm so glad you're back. I made us lunch." She said holding my hand, I held back. Her hand which is very smooth and soft, I could hold it every day. She leads me to the dinning table with pasta and bread on two plates. We both sat beside each other and ate.

After finishing. I drank the water placed beside the meal. Finishing the half of the cold water. She was the best at cooking and that was a fact. Her picked strawberries are vey sweet.

I licked my lips and looked at her eyes where she met mine, my eyes then looked down to her beautiful lips. "I missed you very much." I protested. She blushed like a tomato. She stood up and gathered the empty plates, I pushed the chair behind and stood up as well.

Walking behind her, I snaked my hands around her waist and kissed her hair. She turned around and gave me an innocent smile. "I missed you too." She responded before I pulled her closer. Pressing our chest together making our lips not far from each other but inches away. She placed her hands around my neck and leaned in.

She closed her eyes before my lips met hers. Her lips brushed against mine, she was the first one to lean in making me kiss back. Her hands around my neck was tighter making us being close to each other.

Her soft lips pressing mine was making me melt. Her being with me is all I need. I love calling her mine.

We both pulled away, panting and catching out breaths. Our foreheads touching, "Please, don't leave me again." She whispered, her hands on my cheek.

"I won't." I gave her a sad smile before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's sleep, the sun is going down." She said pulling me to the our bedroom. I removed my vest and combat boots, placing the quiver and the belt at the table. I went to the bathroom and changed my pants into shorts and and putting on a plain shirt.

I went out putting my pants and shirt on the table. She was already in the bed. I lend out a sad smile and slowly pulled up the sheets and joined her in the bed. Before I could close my eyes, I hugged her from behind.

I fluttered my eyes close and had a sleep.

She will always be mine, two years and I'll he calling her my queen and we will both be the king and queen if Auradon.

I can't wait to tell her I love her.


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