WACA [6] Don't You Dare.

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There was this question, am I beautiful it says. Well the answer to that, I am a little piece of trash. I am not beautiful and all. I'll just respect poeple thinks of me. Beautiful or not. I'll respect people's desicion. Even though you don't know my identity. xD.

Mal's POV

"Well hi there Mal." He smirked. Sitting on a chair, legs crossed. I can't believe him right now. What is he gonna do? Threathen me to death? "What do you want Harold." I snapped.

"I just wanna know how are doing? Especially you went on a date," He sarcastically chuckled, "With Jaxon I believe." I smirked, raising an interview eyebrow. He was confident and all. I can't top that out.

"Jaxon wasn't douche like you we're. I thought we had a future, Colton. You we're a spy and all of that. Smart and Genuis. I just didn't knew that you we're actually a jerk. You just broke a girl's heart ya' know. Not just a normal one." I scowled at him. 

He looked down with a huge frown on his face. Good, my words hits him hard. Just what I wanted. "Now go out. I don't wanna see your face." I looked away in disgust.

"You won't get me this time Mal." He blurted, thumping his feet to the floor coming close to me. "Harry, this isn't the real you!" I yelled. "What do you mean? I'm completely normal and alive. Are you blind?"

"Did you got possessed or something? I don't see the real Harry here." I said pushing him away. "Oh, I'm so scared." He sarcastically said. I tried to take my phone from its place but he snatched it away from me.

I guess there's no more escape. I screamed for help, "Help!" I jolted. "Shut up!" He says covering my mouth with his hands. I began to panic. I felt a hard punch on my jaw. It made my body numb and fall.

Just one second. The whole world was spinning. My sight was blurry. Darkness is what I see.

Jaxon's POV

I heard a loud scream before I went out of the halls. I was curious. I didn't knew who it was but I know I need to help. I ran back inside and suspected the loud screaming. All of the doors was open. Everybody had worried faces and was scared.

"Does everybody know where that loud noise is coming from?" I yelled, questioning. "As far as I know that loud noise was coming from a that room." A teenager pointed at one door. I gave her a thankful smile.

I ran to the door furious. Knocking at it loud. There was no response the loud screaming was gone, exchanged by loud thumping. Then it just hit me, this dorm was Mal's dorm room. I prepared myself then went for the huge spear to the door making the door swing open with a loud bang.

I saw a guy trying Mal in a chair. I charged in and punched him the jaw making fly to the other side of the room. He groaned in pain. "Who are you?" I shouted at him, pulling him on the collar. "Your worst nightmare." He said.


He was gone. He disappeared. I looked at Mal and went straight to her. Untied the rope that was locked on her hand. She was passed out, with blood on her forehead and lip. I reached out for her phone that was in the edge of her drawer. The guy left his coat so I took that too, for ecidence. Oh God, I looked like a burgular.

I carried her in a bridal style, went straight to the nurse's office here in school. I would have curfew, its 12:00 in the night. We came home at midnight? I didn't noticed it. As soon as I came in the front of the door, I was lucky that there was someone which was the nurse ad far as I can see.

"I need help," I panicked. "She's unconscious." The nurse was enough alert for her not to get panicked to. She took a deep breath, "Put her on the bed, please stay outside the doctor is just in the back." She said while I disapproved. "I need to stay here." I calmly said. "Sir, only relatives and special persons are welcomed at this moments."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm her boyfriend." I lied. Mal would be so angry but this the only way that I could support her. "Please take a sit." She guestured. I nodded and took a sit.

I was still inside but there was curtains surrounding the bed Mal was laying on. I took her phone out and I went straight to her contact, well there's one familiar name. It was Evie. I called it and this girl doesn't pick up her phone that easily. "Hello?" She says. "Hi, this is Jaxon. I'm her friend. Mal's in the nurse's office she was uncon-" She interuppted me with a huge scream.

"Calm down. I'll wait for you here. She won't die I promise." I said while she ended the phone call. After waiting for minutes, I had the time to have a prayer for Mal.

Just in time, Evie came and went to me. She gave me a hard slap on the fave. "Ouch." I groaned. "What did you do?" She snapped. "I didn't do anything, I just saw her on her room with a another guy. She had blood in most parts on her face. The guy left his coat, I guess that would be a huge evidence." I said, she looked down and swallowed.

"Sorry, I just panicked." She apologized. "Lets check out the coat." I said putting the coat on a table. Opened the pocket, it was a wallet and a gun, some cigar. I take a look at the wallet, it had a card and a picture at it.

It was Mal and that guy. The card had the name 'Harold Colton Reynolds' I looked at Evie that had a surprised face. "Oh my God." She says.



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