WACA [8] How Could You?

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Mal's POV

Here I am again. Stuck on my own. Yay. At least this won't be the death of me. I'm glad that Jaxon was there for me while Benjamin was gone and all.

He helped me on most of the times. He's a great friend. Maybe, even more than that. He's been supporting me and guiding me even at the times that I could be a psychopath and become crazy. I can't even control it.

I love the fact that he's helping me to move on from my heart break. I guess this is gonna be my life now.

Be crazy in just one second.

Hopefully there's a cure for my own problem called Panic Disorder. I don't want that written on my vocabulary but I can't do anything about it. My strenght is the only way this could be gone.

Oh, God. Its happening again, another nightmare.

"Hello?" I said in the middle of nowhere. I was in a house, in a bed. While hearing a boy cry. "You're finally awake!" I heard a giggle. "I made waffles." He said. Waffles? Only Ben makes me waffles.. "Benjamin is waiting for mommy, Mal."

This isn't a nightmare, at least not a bad one. I'm having a dream with Ben.. and, a son?

I finally stood up from the bed seeing the one and only prince that broke my heart, Ben. But why is this dream seems to be positive and not negative?

What the heck is going on?

Ben leaned in and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Are you okey Mal?" He asks. "Oh i'm fine." I answered. "Think positive Mal. Don't make yourself have a panic attack again." He warned.

Does this mean that I still have my disorder even when I get married and stuff? "Lets go eat mommy!" I heard a kid behjnd Ben said.

We went to the kitchen and ate food with smile in our faces, with laughter spreading out of the room.

Suddenly, my face turned into an angry expression. I can't control myself. I stood up and flip the chair over. They're eyes widen. I screamed. I slammed the vase to the floor.

I placed my hands over my head and shouted, "I can't handle it anymore!" I went to the kitchen to grab a knife. I smiled at it. What's going on? I stepped out of the kitchen and went close to Ben.

I directed the knife at his throat. "Mal calm down." He said forcing me to stop. Too late, I threw the knife that went straight to his chest.

Blood was everywhere. A dead body laying on the floor.

I killed him.

I killed Ben.

Ben's POV

He stood up furiously walking to me thumping his feet. He pushed me out of the room pushing me hard on the wall making my head slam into it. "Calm down dude." I said flinging his hands on the air. "Don't tell me to calm down. You're the one that caused this!" He yelled at my ear.

He took my collar and said, "How could you do that to Mal? You caused her to live with this major sickness. I can't even look at her without feeling bad even though I wasn't the one that did all of this. Now. She may have a coma. You are such an unfaithful man!" He shouted on my ear.

I raised an eyebrow, "A major sickness? I thought she just passed out my assistant told me that." I muttered under my breath. "Exactly! You don't know. Cuz' all you kept focusing on is your princey life. Well mate. You aren't helping at all." I pointed at me.

"I just want to talk to Mal." I said. "Too bad she's no-" A swing of a door interrupted him from continuing his sentence. "Mal's awake." Jay said. Me and Jaxon nodded our heads while I'm still searching for air. "You can getyour hands off me now." I said getting breathless.

He removes his hand from my neck having myself a chance to breath normally. I won't get mad at him. I actually deserved that. I actually deserve to die right now.

He opened the door with a bang, going in I saw Jaxon giving Mal a hug while Mal stayed in his arms. I felt my heart broken in pieces, angriness urged inside me. I admit I am jelous.

But I don't have time to start an arguement. They broke away from the hug when the moment Mal saw me. "Why is he here Jaxon?" She questioned. "He came here just a minute ago and I tried to hold him off but if you want I'll let hi-" Mal intruppted him. "If he wants to talk then we will." She said.

Jaxon followed and nodded. "You guys take your time." Carlos said guesturing the others to go out. Jaxon gave me a death glare before he exits the room.

After everyone was gone we we're in deep silence. I examined Mal first and my face turned into a deep frown. She had scars, bruises and dry blood on her arms and her beautiful face. I can see that Mal's hair was now black. She dyed it maybe?

"Well you changed your hair color." I said breaking off the akward silence that was in the room. "I don't want any chit-chats. I just want your explanation." She snapped.

I sighed, "Sorry for doing this to you. You had this sickness because of me. I wasn't myself at those moments, I hope you forgive me." I said looking down. "That wasn't a explanation, Florian." She scowled.

"Fine, I was actually alchoholic. I didn't want you to get hurt when I was drunk or something. I was too busy at work I got stressed and thought of drinking. Starting from that day I got interested everyday. I won't live without drinking a whole bottle of wine or beer. I come home with my maids with bruises because of me. I didn't want you to be next." I explained, but lied.

"Why didn't you tell me Ben? I can understand whatever the problem is." She said. "I'm here to bring our broken pieces back together." I pleaded. "I think we should remain our friends for now Ben. You should go."

I didn't agrued I just went off with a mutter of a thank you.

I'll give her space. But that doesn't mean that I would give up on her. I still love her.

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