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{Chapter Five}


Ah Dan. The poor guy is head over heels for my daughter. He's going to make Jensen more ill that he already is. I walk up to the actual Rehab office and sift thru some applications till something catches my eye. The girl's name is Sydney Clark. She has multiple personalities, making her mentally ill like Michael. She claims to have gone to the same school as Jensen, Michael and Caitlyn. "CAITLYN! I need you!" I scream into the hallway. After a couple of minutes, Caitlyn and Dan enter the office. "I was wondering if you know a Sydney Clark." I ask, showing her the application. "Yup, she and I used to be best friends. She must have gone crazy..." I cut her off. "When you left." I finish. That's the thing with all Caitlyn's BTA friends... Most of them have gone crazy after she left. We've treated a bunch of them. They usually leave after a month, because Caitlyn is their treatment. "I'm going to let her in. Expect her in two days." I tell her. She nods and she and Dan leave the room, Dan carrying her. I reply back to the email, and tell them Sydney is welcome to stay with us, and like some of Caitlyn's other friends, can stay for free. I smile as I hit send. I love the fact that I get to change lives.

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