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Chapter 12-Winter's POV:

Don and I were forced to stay on the jet while they get Peter. Fine with me. I don't want to see him anyway. I have my head down, but I know Don is watching me. I wish she'd stop. It's weird.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"I don't know. I feel like something bad is going to happen and I need to keep an eye on you," she says.

"Great way to be positive ya jinx," I tell her. She cheekily smiles. I roll my eyes. I take Don's phone from her hand. It's been forty minutes since the Avengers left. Don whines to me for her phone back. She's older than me for crying out loud.

"I was just seeing how long they've been gone," I say.

"I could've told you that," she deadpans. I mimic her smile she did to me seconds ago. Now she rolls her eyes. The hatch opens. Tony comes in first looking tired. The others soon behind him. Steve carries Peter. My eyes go big with concern, but soon stop when I remember I'm mad at him.

"What happen," Don asked.

"Just trouble kid. Weird creatures came," Tony says. He grabs a bag while Nat and Clint go up front. Steve sets Peter down checking for injuries. Bruce is now wearing something different from what he was before. Thor doesn't look as tired as the others, but still tired. Tony pulls out a purple gauntlet. I look at for a few minutes. It looks very familiar.

"That's mi-"

"I upgraded it. You should be thanking me," Tony says with a smirk. Bruce clears his throat. "And Bruce helped too," Tony says dryly. I look at the both of them. Narrowing my eyes. What did they do to it.

"Put it on," Tony says.

I look at Don, who is nodding like crazy. I sigh and put it on. It fits perfectly, but I did the measurements of Peter's hand. Little blue lights glow on the palm and wrist part. Almost like Iron Man's suit. Tony says something I don't understand and the gauntlet expands. I don't move. A full body armor covers my body quickly, but I see it in slow motion. The helmet comes on. I computer pops up right in front of my face. I smile. I look around at everybody. Clint and Nat come from the front looking at me. I notice a little smile on their faces. I turn to Don. She has her mouth opened in shock.

"This is so cool!" I yell.

"Mini Iron Girl likes it," Thor booms. Mini Iron Girl. That's a weird name. But who cares, I have my own suit! Tony says something again and the suit retracts back to the gauntlet. Tony comes over and presses a button on the wrist. It comes off my hand and turns into the hoverboard I made. I stare at it with excitement.

"What do you think?" Steve asked me.

"I think it's awesome. It's cool. It's spectacular," I yell the last word. Turning to Bruce with a smile, then Tony. I hug him. Thanking him for this. He laughs and tells me it was my work after all, even though he made most of the adjustments. I laugh.

"How you know what it was anyway?" I ask. "Was it that obvious?"

"Nah, I took your notebooks and found out that way. Bruce went over your and mine math just to make sure it worked. You have some pretty cool ideas," Tony tells me. I want to be mad at him for taking my stuff, but I can't help but be happy for what they did.

Peter stirs a little making everyone look at him. He groans and sits up slowly. Rubbing his head he looks around. Eyes getting bigger every second.

"I shouldn't be here!" He yelled. I grabbed my bored pressing a button. It turns into a small disk. How did he do it? I put it in my pocket. I look back at Peter, hands on my hips.

"You're here now, so deal with it," I tell him. He shakes his head.

"You don't understand. Now they're going to get you. They'll know I'm here with you," Peter says worried.

"Who?" Clint ask.

"Ult-" He falls back down. I run over to him. His eyes and skin turning blue. I reach for him, but Thor grabs my hand. I look at him. He shakes his head and releases me. The jet starts to shake. Nat and Clint run to the front. I look at Don. She looks scared.

"The controls aren't working," Natasha yells. Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. Please let them work. Tony goes up front. The air becomes cold and dense. They're here. A soul slowly starts to emerge from nowhere. I back up into Thor. He puts me behind him. Steve gets in front of Don.

"Winter we said we needed you. Why don't you listen," it said. It being my dad.

"I don't want to go to you," I yelled from behind Thor. Scared out of my mind.

"Your time is up. You must die," he says. Wait, Die?

"I don't wanna die. I'm too young."

"You'll be sixteen soon, so you're not too young," he laughed.

"That's still too young," I complain.

"Too bad. Come with me the hard way or the easy way, daugther."

"Daughter?" Thor, Bruce, and Steve questioned. The jet stops shaking for now. Tony, Natasha, and Clint come back wide eyes. They look at me.

"You left me," I yell. "And come back with your soul roaming free. Barely say anything to me last night and now you want to kill me!"

"Winter, why didn't you say anything before?" Tony questions.

"I'm sorry. What was I supposed to say?" I ask him, tears coming into my eyes. My own dad wants to have me killed. I never would've imagined that. Soon the jet starts spinning. I fall to my knees. Trying to breath. Everyone falls over. The corner of my vision goes black. I can't pass out. I just can't. Then my world goes dark.


I open my eyes slowly. A dim light glows above. I sit up and look around. I'm in some glass cell. The floor made of stone. I hear banging to my right. I look to see what is. I rub my eyes in disbelieve. I crawl over to the glass. I put my hand on it. She tries to say something, but I can't here her.

"Mom," is all I say before tears come to my eyes. She smiles at me. She's not dead. She not dead, I think again. A smile coming to my face.

Babysitted By The Avengers {Slowly Editing}Where stories live. Discover now