Another day passed

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OM's love for Lord Krishna was strangely increasing day by day. He did not think much about what was happening to him but just had it going normally. He would also join his mother while she would go to the temple or attend the bhajans. He quickly catched the lyrics of the bhajans and practised it within himself. When his mother sang in the temple, he would sit beside and sing them slowly. He loved his own voice as he heard it differently from others. He preferred being alone most of the time thinking only about Lord Krishna and nothing else.

The day was rainy and cold. OM shivered and the blanket was not enough to fight the cold. He looked through the window with sleepy eyes. He stretched himself and pushed his head upwards and soon he was in a very disagreeable posture. His mother directly came in the room to wake him up. She tapped his head and the drowsy body turned over. She left the room. OM got up. He accidentally threw the blanket away and chilled air passed him right away. He shivered.

Since the day he had seen that dream, he only thought about that dream. He wanted the same dream to repeat. That night he had not seen any such dream but again and again prayed for one look of Krishna. Music was one of the ways he connected with that dream. He recollected few Bhajans and sung them loud to the empty room, hoping for no one to be around being all ears.

An hour had passed since then and he found himself sitting on the couch. OM sat there silently ready to move. He seemed impatient. Only few more minutes were left to leave and he had nothing to do except for waiting. Throwing his head backwards he closed his eyes. A very pleasant tune he remembered. Sounded like a combination of classical instruments. He could make a scene of a group playing all the classical songs. And then the bhajan started. He could hear a female's voice. Unknowingly he smiled for a few seconds and then had it normal. The pitch of the singer went higher and higher and so did the intensity. Ram... the singer sung with the highest of pitch and flutist's effect bought tears to OM's eyes. He squeezed his neck and turned his head upwards.Tears of happiness dropped from OM's eyes. Getting up, he ran inside to see that idol of Lord Krishna with a smile glowing in his face.

OM's mother was very happy to see a sudden development in OM. She encouraged the growth of bhakti in him. Neither did she question nor did she want it to stop. She just took it as a phase of growing up. While OM's father was a little bit tensed of the boy not concentrating in physical activities and sports. Nobody, except OM, knew what really happened. He didn't think it was important to reveal the secret. He kept it.

Even in school, he would simply join his group members and hear them chat. The shy-turned-extrovert OM once again turned shy. Now he would prefer sitting quiet and thinking about his sweet lord. Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! He would hum day and night.

Usually at evenings, he would chant the name of the lord. One evening, being in a peaceful attitude, OM sat in front of his deity and closed his eyes. "Om" said he, as if announcing a star, and continued chanting the mantra. It felt as if the world was shaking. OM's head vibrated as his tongue kept on dancing with the teeth. As if Krsna himself stepped on his tongue and danced in ecstasy, as long as the mantra continued. After a good number of chanting, he would get up and slowly notice his whole body vibrating. He felt better and his mind was absorbed in its own silence.

Following, he would sing bhajans staring at the lotus feet of the lord. He knew that voice never mattered as long as it was between the lover and the lord. He sang a little louder after every break and his throat too started clearing. With much love and joy in heart he would cry out at times while singing, and the deity still looks at him.... And smiles....   


I shall sing for you, I shall pray for you,

Chanting your name satisfies my heart,

Praising you I sit here with one wish,

To my restless heart, all it needs;

Just one vision of the supreme lord....  

Ecstasy of the Universeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें