Of Lust, Greed and Love

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The breaking of dawn started with a complete dark sky. The sun had refused to catch a glimpse of the earth at this point of time but OM woke up earlier than the sun. He still sat with his legs folded with the blanket covering half of his lower body. The mat was almost torn and OM's fingers ran over the holes and played with it.

Not being able to sleep had proved to be dreadful for OM. It had been four hours and OM just wouldn't fall asleep. He looked at Prabhu who slept peacefully like a small baby while OM sat with a mild headache. He gazed at the clock which in return showed "4:00" as if saying "Why are you awake? You need sleep!" OM swung his head, now craving for 'little sleep.'

This will not help... OM knew it. He got up and slowly opened the door; cautious about Prabhu's sleep. The squeaky sound the door made, OM stared at it expressionless. Slowly always doesn't make sense. Opening it fast would at least not make that weird sound to disturb Prabhuji. The oil lamps were still burning and it spread its radiance everywhere. OM sat on the small swing where he would spend most of his time; observing the night sky and rubbing his hands to fight the cold.

A little time passed and the sun finally agreed to look at the earth. OM now found himself leaning on the gate, looking at the roads. They were wet and empty but now milkmen initiated the soon-to-be busy roads. They would cycle jollily singing to themselves, passing the sleepless child; few shying away and few waving to him. OM smiled and observed the black-turned-red sky. He rose to consciousness when he observed his face skin had almost frozen and his hands went numb. He would rub them but the temporary comforts vanished sooner than expected.

Now people too started coming out of their houses and everyone greeted OM with smiles and well wishes. Perhaps, the sun now was ready to selflessly spread all his rays on to the earth. Slowly the roads were visible and the reddish sky turned blue. And now the newspaper distributors, following the footsteps of the milkmen, threw newspapers near the gate of every household. The fun-loving person passed a newspaper through air to OM's hands. He almost fell to catch the newspaper. "Good day, young chap" and he cycled off to another street.

OM suddenly remembered his life before coming to Varanasi; how his father would talk about reading newspapers for general knowledge and he, an easy-going chap, would always refuse. Let's try at least now. If he was saying, it must be of some use... He took the newspaper under his arms and walked inside the house. Prabhu was still asleep and OM looked at him grinning secretely. Grabbing a stool, he sits down struggling with the newspaper to stay erect. Running his eyes over those words, he was soon in dilemma.


There someone was craving for some sleep and here Prabhu woke up after a very good sleep. Has he taken OM's part? He woke up and at once stretched his arms to let the chill morning breeze welcome him to a new day. His eyes were still closed and he sat in an angular position. Opening his eyes he first saw OM; which at once generated a grin on his lips. What could be more beautiful for a person like Prabhu to look at OM first in the morning?

OM acted as if he had no idea about Prabhu. He still rested on his hand and stared at the floor, his feet playing with that little dust. He seemed restless but he also thought to give some time to Prabhu before he could answer his questions. Baffled with such an expression on OM's face, Prabhu called him slowly and got up sitting straight, facing OM.
"Good morning, dear" greeted he with most enthusiasm. But OM still looked at the ground. "OM?" he attempted once again. But this time, received a response from the pious boy.
"Why domestic violence, prabhuji?" asked he quite absorbed in his own thoughts. For a little time he thought if he had asked too quickly. Would it seem impolite for not greeting before? Before he could think more about it, Prabhu asked him in return.
"What happened, OM? And from when did you start reading newspapers?"
"Prabhuji, here they gave a news about domestic violence" OM took the newspaper on his hands and started reading extracts from the article, "The man had married Akshara two years before. After their marriage, as sources inform, nothing went quite well with them. Neighbors would often hear sounds of beating and crying of a woman from their house. And now it has been revealed that all was for pending dowry" OM now threw the newspaper with anger and rested on the wall with his palms pressing his head.

Prabhu now completely woke up. Of course, he wouldn't have expected the morning to greet him this way after such a wonderful sleep. But he carefully observed OM. He could look at the thirst in OM to find answers. Prabhu understood the innocent child knew very little about the world. And now, it was time to clarify it. "People, all, are not like you, OM" said he slowly catching OM's closed fists, "Some are also lust-captivated and greedy"
OM shrugged and stood erect being all ears to Prabhu.
"Maya, OM, Maya. This illusion is something which surrounds us and blindfolds us. Because of this maya, we are not able to see what gives us real joy... eternal joy... but we tend to enjoy temporary things and get attached to materials.

"OM, this man as you are seeing is absorbed in greed and lust. He is greedy for money and that is why he can go extents; to even torture his wife. And in some cases when the bride's family still can't pay the pending dowry, they almost kill her. But this is not the real essence of marriages and relationships. They forget what main thing is required here;love, which the bride readily offers but they fail to understand.

"OM, we all have the eternal Krishna Love inside us. And we all are no different, after all, the same; part of the Supreme. But maya has converted the Krishna love into lust. Now because of this, we fail to please the Supreme and instead, please our own senses! We are so attached to material things that we just cannot live without them. Consider the man who can do anything for just little money. Lust, Greed, Anger and Attachment seem to be the greatest enemy of mankind. And our ultimate goal; which is to merge in the supreme, can only be achieved if we lose attachment with material things and eradicate lust and develop love for the Supreme. Not that you must completely lose your senses. A Krsna Conscious person does understand senses of touching, smelling, tasting, etc. But he knows that pleasing the Lord is the highest and nothing of him is as important as of the Lord."

Prabhu ended and OM looked at him, mesmerized. Now his eyes were opened to the darker section of the society but also he wouldn't curse them within, for he knew that soon they too were to be turned into learnt men. But the concept of Maya still kept threatening him. The greatest danger to mankind... At least now he knows what his goal is...  

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