OM meets Prabhu

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The room was full of light, maybe that is why OM loved being inside. He was alone, enjoying the deafening silence. His legs went numb as he unfolded them to a very disagreeable posture. He had the blanket on him. The room's walls were painted all golden and white with a beautiful small chandelier above. There were bags everywhere with clothes stuffed in dirtily. Ironically, the golden curtain, supposed to stop the light, reflected sun rays and painted the room golden. OM laid down as he heard the door knock. "Who is it?"
"It is me OM" said a womanly voice. "Shall I come in."
"Yes mother" said he developing a carefree attitude.

His mother entered. She was dressed beautifully in a green saree with golden and pink color designed borders. She had gold ornaments on her. She blushed looking at OM studying every feature of her dressing sense. As he looked up to her eyes, she blinked as if asking something. He nodded silently and then said, "You're looking nice".
"Now you too get ready, OM" she ordered, "We are getting late. We must move to the temple"
"What?!" OM was astonished, "Nobody told me -"
"Get ready" she interrupted, "If we are late because of you, your father might lose all his cool". Her warning gave OM goosebumps as he got up to change.

OM's hair was wet and neatly combed. He rushed down the corridors of the hotel. Coming down, he beamed at the lobby. A big wide room with sofa sets at one corner beautified with artificial plants, pebbles and glass tables. The reception at another corner with a charming lady greeting others.And the staircase, where OM stood as a blockage with an expression of scepticism. What am I supposed to do now? He still held the keys when his mother came from back of him. "Good you reached soon. Give your keys here" she extended her hands. OM, with a sigh of relief, handed them to her and walked front.

The sun hid beneath a heavy cloud. It wasn't bright enough anymore. Yet the roads were still shining. There were green trees beside with many thorn bushes. OM looked at them going back as the car pushed itself forward. The cloud slowly moved as he noticed how light met with the roads and plants, glittering them with happiness. When rays tried reaching OM, they were blocked for the glass window. OM laughed within himself.

They soon reached the temple. OM had one thing in his mind, the dream. He knew he would find someone. But who would that be? Was he sure that the man would be here in Varanasi? Intuition, OM thought, But I am still not sure where will the man be! The temple was was above the hill. To reach, there was a huge number of steps. OM threw his shoes in the car itself. He stepped on the marble floor. As his naked feet touched the smooth cool marble, OM shivered. "Hari OM" said the voice of a bold and strong female. He looked everywhere around but couldn't find anyone. Was that voice heard from the inside? OM felt a little nervous and a little excited.

He kept on climbing with his legs pressed to the smooth marble floor and his body bouncing repeatedly with such a grip. He wished to listen to the voice once again. This time he was prepared; also he knew the voice wouldn't be heard as far as his preparations were considered. He climbed as he finally reached the main space. It was a small space with large bells clung to orangish-red pillars. His mother lifted her hand to ring them as she walked in with a shine in her eyes. OM too walked with his stomach feeling ticklish. Is something going to happen?

People sat scattered inside the temple with bowls on their hands made of leaves. He looked here and there to find that man whom he saw in the dream. OM walked straight looking at his deity. He felt as if his senses came back. He looked at the shiny blue eyes of the lord looking at him. His arrow standing perpendicular to the ground. And his beloved wife, Sita, standing right to him. OM felt that the surroundings were different. He did not feel to shift his eyes away from the idol's beauty. OM's heart was pounding. He felt to sing; to praise the lord; to shout to satisfy the ecstatic feeling in his heart. There was fresh air everywhere and OM listened to the music. His heart warmed, he wanted more. Yet he stopped. "Come OM" said his mother, "We will sit near the steps." Om obeyed. Even though he did not want to leave his position, he went back. Near the steps, he rested his back on a pole. With uniformity of time, OM looked at the Lordl and to his mother and sister at different times. Now he felt satisfied.

Clouds in the sky kept on the cycle of hiding and showing the sun. Once again, when the sun came back bringing warm air and brighter light, an old man entered. OM looked otherwise, missing the face of his. Everyone else around, stood up leaving their involvements as he brought in a change in the air. OM's mother stood up and ordered OM to imitate her. He looked behind with curiosity. An old man with a pretty dense beard.

The image of the tall man in front of him gave OM a big shock. He was stunned as tiny hairs of his hand stood up erect. He couldn't believe what he had seen. His blood rushed in his veins and he panicked. He sweated and smiled unknowingly in ecstasy. The same old man whom I saw in my dreams?! Is it he? It is he! OM turned back with shock as the man walked towards Lord Rama. "Who is he maa?" asked his sister. OM was all ears.
"His name is Prabhu" said she, "He is the most respected person of this area. It seems he was the one to make this temple. And since many years, he has been servicing the lord. There are many stories of him. Some say he talks to the Lord. Some say that he is incarnation of Lord Narayana."

OM was deep somewhere in his heart. Probably praying, he wouldn't care what his sister and mother were talking anymore. He thanked Lord Rama. He wouldn't have expected to meet the man so soon. He tried relaxing but he couldn't. His mind was filled with questions. When would he meet him? How will they talk? How will others react. His eyes were shut with him deep in prayers. The old man turned to the right as he saw the boy...  

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