"When the time is right, you will find him"

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The day at the town always started the same way. Prabhu closely observed the morning sky as he shivered to the cold. Tightening the warm blanket wrapped around him, the old man puffed as his teeth chattered. His legs were stiff and the biting cold weather suddenly seemed very unpleasant. All fifty years of his life he was known for his dedicated service to the temple in this religious city of Varanasi. No matter how worse the weather might grow, he would never hesitate when it came to service.It had not been a big challenge for him even now he knew he was growing old. His eyes looked tired yet he wouldn't leave servicing the lord.

As he walked, people around him wished him. He saw women neatly dressed who left their houses every morning for the temple. Men already were out for their work. He could see people on carts leaving with heavy bags on their hands. The sun still did not fully rise and left a bluish effect to the surroundings. People bathed near the rivers while few women took the other side to wash clothes. Birds flew with their flocks making most relevant yet beautiful sounds. Going through the mist he could see few shops already opened. Taking a deep breath as his head fell backwards, he could hear the bell ringing in the temple. They were loud enough and a large group of old men and women had already left to the temple. He felt an urge to walk fast and reach the temple. He kept thinking about something, said his eyes, but none would dare to inquire.

A tall old skinny man with a long white beard seemed walking towards him. He knew that man, of course he knew. There was no one in the whole city who did not know Prabhu or he did not know them. But he wouldn't dare utter a single word. He was in no mood to join in a conversation in such a weather. Yet he couldn't refuse when he greeted, "Good morning, Prabhu!"
"Good morning" said he with a screeching tone.
"You seem unwell today? What happened?" the man asked with concern.
"Nothing" said Prabhu, "A dream which has been irritating me since a while"
"Dream?!" he exclaimed. The words of Prabhu hit him with interest and curiosity. He smiled and asked him patiently to come to his hut, where they could talk. Not wanting to do so, still Prabhu accepted the man's invitation.
They did not walk a long mile. The man's house was not away from where they had stopped. The small hut where Prabhu found himself few minutes later was covered with Banana trees. Prabhu laughed within himself, thinking of the tree which they had planted years ago, and was still there. "How well he is growing!" said he. To this the man did not reply. His mind was brimming with curiosity such the words slipped from his mouth. They walked in.

The interior was much like a typical hut. The roof made of dried leaves with a hole for sunlight to enter in. The man grabbed a stool for Prabhu to sit there and himself at on the ground. Prabhu now felt comfortable and sat on the stool, somewhere deep in his thoughts. "Prabhu" he called to have the old man's attention, "You were saying about a dream you got"
"He will soon come here. But I do not know where I will find him" said he as if talking to someone else and the man's face wore an expression so puzzled.
"Who is he?"
"After so much of praying secretly, he finally came. Lord Rama himself came to me. His eyes had a bright shine and he called me with his arms open." Prabhu's poetic way of saying scared the man. He was afraid if Prabhu was possessed. Though he chose to ignore. "A child is coming here. And I am responsible to him."
"A child?!" now the man was irritated with this patience, "Prabhu, please describe the dream properly. Who is the child? What did Lord Rama say?"
"I shall! Lord Rama came to me and fed me a little of kheer. He took care of me as if I were his own child. And then, he handed me a small child. He was small but his eyes had the same glow as in Lord's eyes. Bright light was shining behind him too. As if he were an incarnation of Lord himself. He said, 'Prabhu. I handle this child to you. Take care of him. As if he is your own son.' And there was no chance of refusing. I accepted him. But I do not know where I would find this little boy." his tone was rather serious and changed the old man's behavior too.
"Lord Rama came to you, Prabhu!" he exclaimed, "He has taken life and is coming to you. You must be feeling really lucky? Take care of that child; like your own son."
"But where do I find him?" asked he as if retorting.
"Are you sure? I mean... It might be your inner child. Can it be so?"
"No... I am sure that I will find him. It cannot be a misinterpretation of symbols, friend. It cannot simply be."
He nodded. "Then you better wait. When the time is right, you will find him. But for now you should only pray for clarity. Come, let's move to the temple"

Prabhu felt relieved listening to his words. He spoke as if it was not a big deal and Prabhu was taking stress when it was not needed. Reflecting upon himself, he too thought the same. He smiled with a light of hope in his eyes, to find the boy, maybe years later or soon. "Come now" said the older man showing the sun already risen outside, "We must leave for the temple. Probably everyone arrived." Prabhu nodded and they walked along with talks so insignificant yet interesting.   

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