Krishna's returning to OM

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His heart was pounding loud and he panicked. It was almost mid-day and OM had no intention to sing in front of everyone. People slowly increased in number and he looked at the tremendous amount of people who would listen to his song. OM had never before sung in front of people. Except for the occasional humming of tunes, he never was encouraged to sing. Actually, it wasn't his nervousness but only his fear of negative comments. Studying the situation, OM realized that there was nothing he could do. He marched to the stage.

A group of singers sat near the temple with microphones switched on; as if waiting for him to praise the lord with his melodious voice. O! Lord... What is happening? Why are you wanting me to sing? What would happen if people walk out gossiping about his voice? What about people and their judgments? As questions kept on sprouting in his mind, he took the place of the singers and took a deep breath to make it audible to everyone.

He sat there observing the scenario. At one corner sat Prabhu with his friends anxiously looking at OM, wanting him to sing. At another corner he saw many women dressed beautifully in red and green sarees looking at him and waiting for his turn to sing. At the third corner a small group of old men whispered to themselves; making OM feel more uncomfortable. His stomach ached; he was dying out of nervousness. "Do you want to do this or not?" said Lord Rama, "OM.... When a devotee sings for me with all his heart, there is no chance of negative comments and humiliation. There is pure ecstasy and nothing else.... If you miss this chance, I know you definitely will regret it, strongly. Don't you want to sing and praise your lover? I am waiting...." and OM came out of his wild imaginations.

Now he thought that the tension running in his veins had settled. The image now seemed obvious ad nothing to worry about. OM completely forgot about the tremendous amount of crowd who too would listen his song from the other side. As if he was blindfolded. He looked at Lord Rama's lips smiling and an overwhelming feeling surrounded him. He felt as if the Supreme Personality of Godhead himself was embracing him. And there..... He started singing the bhajan....

The song went on and on and on. Om sang his heart out. At the initial stage, he sang slowly to overcome the little tension in him. He closed his eyes to forget the public and imagined the shining face of the Lord. His heart was brimming with purity and serenity and he raised his head. His voice too seemed different. Now it was melodious and everyone were happy to listen. But OM wouldn't know that! He sang louder and louder after every break; as if singing alone. As pitch variations were exhibited, tears rolled out of the boy's eyes (still closed). People were dumb-struck to look at that. They had known children singing bhajans for the lord but never had seen a live image of pure devotion and ecstasy!

Soon he stopped. Prabhu and all his friends smiled and sometimes laughed loudly in excitement. Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare they said under their breath. There was absolute silence in the place for the first time and people were awed. OM opened his eyes with large droplets of tears rolling down. Once again tension had surrounded him (as he had no idea that people saw devotion in him). After a moment of silence, people applauded. The praise was really new for OM and he could figure out words from the thunderous sound of clapping hands, "Sing" "Why did you stop?" "Bravo! Encore! Divine!".... He sat there smiling and searched for Prabhu who wasn't to be seen.


The sky was dull and darkness spread over the town. Thousands of houses were lit with lamps. The city seemed glowing and everything was beautiful. The whole town had a good break, thought everyone. The whole day everyone talked of OM as an "anonymous with a beautiful voice" and praised him and his devotion. They all were keen to know about who OM was and here, the limelight of the town, sat near Krishna.

He smiled looking at the idol. And he smiled back at OM. After exchanging few smiles, OM looked in Krishna's eyes and fell deep in thoughts. The smile eventually vanished nothing was clear. Prabhu secretly looked at him. Initially, he smiled and hugged Krishna tight. But then disappearing of the smile caused his trouble. Now OM looked at the ground helplessly. "What happened OM? Where has your smile disappeared?" asked Prabhu.
"Oh!" said he placing Krishna back on his royal seat, "Well... uh... nothing" he continued staring at the ground.
"OM" Prabhu's tone seemed lovingly strict, "Tell me beta. What is causing you trouble after such a beautiful day?"
"Kri.... Krishna" said he to a dumbstruck Prabhu who sat beside him.
"Yes... It is Krishna who is causing me trouble. What have I ever asked for? Nothing of all this! But only his darshan. He is not giving me. I am calling him again and again but he doesn't come! Prabhu ji, I am really exhausted of waiting and I need him to come in my dreams."
"O! Silly child" said Prabhu laughing; annoying OM, "Who said Krishna won't give you his darshan. It happens with almost every devotee of Narayan. Also the gopis." OM gave a look of suspicion and he continued to narrate, "This is the tie of the Rasa dance in a full moon night... Krishna attracted all the gopis and they came near him. After little time passed, Krishna vanished as Gopis started thinking as if the luckiest person ever."
"I always thought Lord Krishna always pleases his devotees" whispered OM to himself.
"Don't you think, child, that he never returned. After Radharani too started lamenting, Krishna finally came as Gopis stopped thinking in ignorance and called for him. As you see, he was never gone. He was always around. And he still is! You call for him from your heart and he will come, for sure!"


The next morning, OM woke up with full enthusiasm. He seemed satisfied and his heart felt freed from all tensions. "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna" he screamed without thinking of anything. Finally, Krishna had come to give his darshan

Are you dreaming OM? No! He really did come! Hein Prabhu! Hein Prabhu!  

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