OM moves to Banaras

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OM kept on spending evenings at the temple hearing stories he had not heard before. That evening too he had went to the temple. As his routine said, he returned late when the sky turned dark. Now OM's parents and friends were no more surprised by the young boy's sudden development. That evening he and the old man in the temple talked about Krishna and mother Yashodha. He remembered what Pandit Ji had said. "Nobody can catch Krishna unless their devotion is pure. Many yogis could not catch him after his mischievous actions. But only mother Yashodha, who worshipped Krishna as her own son, could catch and punish the naughty child."

He shrugged. His mind was brimming with thoughts about the stories he had heard; about mother Yashodha; about Gopis and the prominent ones; and the rasa lila. Surprised to see children still playing on the roads, he wondered if he had panicked and came early, though the sky seemed darker. "Probably because of changing seasons", wondered OM. He could point out the moonlit sky with the crescent moon beautifully centered with clouds. His mind was in complete peace as he walked trying to escape ditches on the road.

He again remembered what pandit ji had said and thought about it. "You must be wondering why worshippers of Vishnu, who has the goddess of fortune in his heart, are generally poor. While worshippers of Lord Shiva, who looks as if living in poverty, are prosperous?" Om had not initially thought about it but now that the question was raised he was determined to find an answer. The old man slowly said, "That is because Vishnu is the supreme teacher. Only by chanting his holy name and the syllable "Om", one can receive the knowledge. Lakshmi does not only indicate wealth and prosperity but also wisdom. Lord Shiva, is the master of material nature and thus himself lives in poverty. That is why worshippers of Lord Shiva are opulent."

Reaching his home he opened his mouth in astonishment. The hall room was scattered with women's clothes. He looked everywhere throughout the house. There were clothes and jewelry everywhere. What is happening here? OM could hear few voices of a young girl screaming from above, "Where is it?" the voice grew louder and clearer, "Maa! Please help!". Immediately his mother walked out of the kitchen. She looked at OM with an expression so confused, as if she were trying to remember something. When OM was about to inquire, she turned her head and walked upwards.

OM followed her quietly. The cloth of her saree, clinging to her shoulders, moved swiftly as she walked. When OM entered the room, he was puzzled looking at the room's condition. Clothes were once again spread with a small suitcase opened at the center. Looking at the case, he started having simple expectations. Though he feared disappointments. His sister glanced at the boy as she said, "Have you finished packing?". His mother was busy setting clothes which lay scattered on the bed. Turning his head, he said in a hoarse voice, "I have no idea of what is happening here."
"Why are you always forgetting things, OM?" said she, "Remember we had planned that we are going out to benaras?"
OM reflected deeply upon his memory. Yes, he did forget. Though he had not much indulged himself in any conversations, he had a slight idea about the trip. "So you are packing now?"
"No! Don't you want to check which dresses you'd like to pack?" and OM had himself out smiling faintly.


OM slowly rose to consciousness. The sky was dark outside and light in the room seemed piercing his eyes. An elderly woman's shadow appears like a silhouette. "Get up OM" said the deep voice. His eyes closed yet he tried fighting to have them open. His mother pulled his arms up and made him sit. "Take your bags, OM. We are ready to move."

Soon they found themselves standing on the railway station. They sat near a big pole which seemed corroded and left untouched for a long time. Rats ran hither and thither leaving few pieces of food. He laughed at people jumping of rats. Few dogs were asleep near the small bridge which connected two platforms. OM would simply stand near the railway lines and look at the rails as if an endless horizon. His stomach felt ticklish; he was lot excited about the trip.

The much awaited honking sound of the train finally was heard leaving OM likely being panicked. He wouldn't exhibit his excitement though he screamed himself out from inside. Light fell on the rails wet due to the rain and came the vehicle with many relieved hearts. The train neatly stopped and an enormous amount of people attacked train with heavy baggages falling at intervals from their shoulders.

"OM! Come immediately to this side." her tone was rather angry and he followed the order with much sincerity. Slowly the crowd decreased. OM still stood near the tall blue pole ,with a small bag clinging to his back, with his family. "Let's move, maa", commented his sister, "This is just a normal blue pole, not a dwajasthambam that we are not leaving it." She smiled and puffed while saying and all had a hearty laugh. They moved towards the train.

The moon shone bright in the night sky, spreading its benevolent moonlight across everything outside. OM, who was already half asleep all this time, immediately slept when allotted the bed. His sister, being an absolute social person, joined a small group of young girls and chatted with them. His parents, on the other side, stood near the door and spoke, looking at the moonlit sky and asleep OM.


"Come here, beta OM" said the old man. His eyes had a clear spark and light shone behind him. OM felt as if he had no other choice than going to him. All he could see in his eyes was grace and a magnificent shine. "Come here" he changed his tones as time passed as he stretched his loving arms towards OM. Here, OM was not sure if he should leave the man or walk towards him, trusting the shine in his eyes. The man looked annoyed. "I... Uh..." said OM, "I apologise but I am not still learnt to understand the shine in your eyes. I am not sure to trust you or not." he joined his hands, "Can you please tell me who you are?"
"It is me, OM" he said as if they knew each other. OM whose eyes were still closed noticed the change in his voice. As he opened his eyes, the image cleared and standing in front of him was Lord Rama himself. He said, "Come to me OM! I will help you. Come". He screamed as loud as he could. Slowly his heart which had been beating harder as if wanted to escape the body, came down to its normal rate. He still smiled at OM. For sometime OM started feeling as if the luckiest person in this world. "Hari!" he screamed and tears came down his eyes. And now the old man came from Lord Rama's heart, "Now you can come to me, OM"
"Who are you? What happens if I come to you? Where will I find you?" he asked.
"When time is right, everything happens OM. I am..."


OM cursed himself for not completing the dream. "He was saying his name!" he kept on cursing himself till he completely was relieved. Staring outside through the window composed him. He regretted strongly but again felt helpless. Slowly the words echoed in his mind, "When the time is right, everything happens OM". Maybe really it was not the correct time. Maybe there was still time. Time for OM to meet the man. More than anything, there was only one thought which disturbed him. "My life too is changing?"...  

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