OM misses Prabhu

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His head was warm and his hands numb. OM laid on the bed looking at his clean arms waving in the air. He was twenty four but his childhood habits had not gone yet; he crossed twenty. He would stare at the brown wall and laugh within himself. And as he sensed dust in the air, he blew all of his energy out from the nose and now he was relieved. He rubbed his nose with his sweaty palms.

If Prabhuji was here, I would atleast have his company. OM thought. The sudden feeling of loneliness struck him. He missed someone. Someone who would never leave him alone. Someone who would not let him fall ill. Someone who would always chat with him, ensuring he has everything he needs. Someone who would take care of him as if his own child. And that was Prabhu. But he wasn't there...

If Prabhuji was here, I wouldn't be left here alone. OM thought. The feelings rose when he remembered how Prabhu would sit beside him everyday; getting absorbed in those bhajans OM would sing. The feelings rose when he remembered how Prabhu would sit sometimes and talk about Lord Krishna's life and what the Supersoul teaches everyone. But he wasn't there...

If Prabhuji was here, the world would seem far more beautiful than how it is now. OM thought as he peeped through the window and looked at the dark blue sky and the breathtaking sunset. The orange sun seemed melting and dissolving in the sky. The candles and oil lamps, lighted in every household, added to the scene. While OM laid on the bed pressing his head repeatedly; burning with fever.

Quite irritated with such a long rest, OM stood erect with great difficulty. It felt as if the earth had been shaken; OM almost lost his balance while his view turned fluorescent then back to normal once again. He shrugged. Marching slowly to the main room, he turned to the small table. With the occasional Krishna-Radha which caught attention, now hung a photo frame on the wall; a man with the most pleasant smile looking at the world. Was that all OM saw? What about the sweet memories associated with it? He swung his head backwards.

He was not there... And the pain of knowing that he would never come back made OM lamenting his name. Though he was sure he wouldn't cry. He remembered the previous night what Prabhu had said. And he was sure to follow it. He wouldn't cry. He wouldn't feel lonely without him. He would sing bhajans every evening. Moreover, look towards self-upliftment and nothing else...


He woke up. As if a sudden shock, he turned his head everywhere around to notice the sounds of bell ringing and bhajans being sung in the temple. Coming out of flashbacks, he noticed his wrinkled hands and tired legs. The forty five year old OM stood near the pole and walked towards the Vigraha of Lord Rama. 

The nine to ten foot steps which he took was enough for realisation of self. He thought of how far he had come from nowhere. Did he boast? No... But he wondered if there was more. OM, taking support of his left leg, stood there with his hands joint touching his chest.

He kneels down, quite absorbed in his own feelings. His eyes seem searching for something in the Lord's eyes. With a light feeling in his heart, he gets up with a smile twinkling on his lips and bright eyes as if stars in the universe. Taking a deep breath he releases his exhaustion and what remains is love... eternal love... for the lord. 

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