"He has come"

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His eyes opened to a new morning. Sounds of people talking was heard. They day was warm and pleasant. He could see people eager to move out of the train, with heavy luggages with them. OM sat resting his back on a pole. He was still in the train. His sister was still asleep and his parents woke long before. "Good morning, OM!" said his mother.
"When will we reach banaras?" asked he with a tone very restless.
"Have patience, OM" said she pretending to be annoyed, "We will be there by lunch time most probably." He nodded.

The station had a reminiscent view. He peeped through the window on people carrying big bags of jute stuffed with boxes. At one side, people were still asleep on a cart or near the pole. Parents kept a constant eye on their children to ensure safety. Few men with red uniforms held two-three suitcases on their heads. The poles were dirty and corroded. After a while of studying the view, OM looked otherwise. He was still wrapped in the blanket while his sister came running towards him. "OM! Didn't you brush? Go right now!"

OM walked towards the basin. Cool air went swiftly and a tune started in his mind. This happens when... OM experienced a Deja vu. He had likely developed a superstition that after Lord Krishna's darshan (as OM called, meaning 'to see') is when he would experience all this. The face of Lord Rama glowed in his mind when he finally remembered the dream. Again he started cursing himself for not completing the dream. He knew that there was no fault, yet he wouldn't stop.

He soon returned. His mother was alone near his seat, waiting for him with a small tiffin box in her hand. She could see OM secretly smiling. His eyes seemed lustrous. For a second, she was stunned by her son's charm. His eyes spoke clear about his emotions. His skin was flawless and white. His silky hair flew otherwise with the wind. And his handsome face. She smiled with glittery eyes looking at her son with clear love in her eyes. OM too stared at her and the small yellow tiffin box clenched in her hands. "OM!" she called out to him as she hugged him tightly. Her hands reached his as she handed the box to him, "Have your breakfast quickly! -"
"But maa! When are we reaching?"
"Just wait for the next two hours." she winked and walked away with a grin.


OM's head fell on the grills of the window. All this time, he was thinking only of Lord Rama and his words, which were still on his mind. He felt elated but at the same time felt vexed by the questions endlessly raised in his mind. Green trees appeared to be walking backwards. OM had a faint grin on his face. He observed the rail tracks moving backwards. He felt his cheeks tickled as his head bounced on the grills repeatedly. The weather was rainy and OM glanced at the wet platform. "Varanasi" it read. Two hours are done so soon?!

The train stopped with a regular whistle. OM's stomach ached as he couldn't embrace his excitement anymore. His mother appeared from back of him. "Come OM" she was relieved, "Finally the stop has come". OM wore his bag and rushed outside of the train. His face went numb and his hands felt cold. He would cover his eyes and rub them vigorously to bring back the sensation. His sister caught his hand. "You be with me now" said she, developing a protective attitude of an elder sister. OM turned his head again and again studying the description of a new place.

They walked for a while outside till they reached the taxi stand. His father held a big suitcase accompanied by his mother. They spoke to one of the drivers while OM traced a small temple above. Soon they sat in the car with all eyes fixed outside, pulling each other to look somewhere else.


Prabhu sat there stiff making no movement. His eyes were closed as his head turned upwards. "He is meditating. Please do not disturb him" said one of the mahant of the temple. He was indulged with a conversation with a tourist. "He does it everyday. People respect him as they know that he is blessed by Lord Rama." the tourist nodded while he kept on speaking, "I too have devoted my life to this temple's service. May be the next life of mine, Lord shall bless me with his vision!"
"But why is he crying?" asked the tourist tensed. The man too looked behind. His eyes were closed and he still sat stiff but tears rolled down his cheeks. For a moment, he stood there observing.
"He must not be crying" said he to the tourist, noticing that he still smiled and his features saying he was in absolute peace.
"What is happening?" Inquired the curious tourist.
"He has been meditating since day before yesterday. I assume, finally Lord has given his darshan?"

The man opened his eyes attracting attention of the two men. "He is coming!" said Prabhu. He screamed and both the men rushed to help him. He drank the glass of water quickly. "He is coming!" "he is coming!" he repeated the same thing."Who is coming?""He soon will be here" said he ignoring the man's question.   

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