Chapter 14

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Hermione POV
I was worried about Harry.

After his failed attempt at opening the clue in the common room, he'd given up working it out entirely, or at least he'd "given it a pause", as he called it.

I was happy that Harry and Ron were friends again, don't get me wrong, but ever since they made up, Harry had been less focused on the tournament.

They had been hung over who they were gonna ask to the Ball.

I mean for heaven's sake, is that all that matters to them?

They kept on moaning about Percy taking all the dates to the ball, especially Ron.

The idea was ridiculous of course, how was it Percy's fault that the girls at the school had a crush on him?

Ron was annoyed that Percy couldn't have "picked a girl and left the rest for the other guys", as he had put it.

And that irritated me. There were plenty of girls that weren't interested in a date with Percy Jackson... like me for example.

But the almighty Ron didn't even notice.

Whatever. It didn't matter anyway because luckily, I had a date to the Yule ball.

Viktor Krum had asked me. He was quite sweet about it too.

Viktor's really charming and well-spoken, unlike Ron. AND he knows how to keep his mouth shut.

Not everyone has to be constantly yapping on about utter rubbish like Ron all the time.

I did notice strange things about Percy though.

Most of the girls at the school had a crush on him or was at the very least interested in him.

And it wasn't just because he was exceptionally good at magic or that he was a good fighter. It wasn't even because he was really, really good looking (yes, I had noticed... I have eyes too).

It was more than that. The better I got to know him, the more apparent it became, he had this powerful aura to him, one that almost pulled you to him.

It was hard to describe, but it was like when you first laid your eyes on him, the first thing you would think is that he's extremely strong and quite a force to reckon with or maybe a dangerous enemy you should beware of, even if you had never met him before.

And it wasn't just because he was muscular, it was just a feeling you got when you were around him.

I didn't know what it was but I was sure that it was there.

The odd thing was that he just dismissed it without even noticing it was there.

He acted like it was no big deal.

He acted as if he didn't have girls falling for him, left, right and centre.

He acted as if his fighting skills and magical abilities were nothing out of the ordinary.

He acted as if any hardship you threw at him was too little.

He had got through the first round of the tournament so calmly that it was almost surreal.

I agreed with Ron on one thing, there was something odd about Perseus Jackson, he was hiding something.

Ron had said that he saw a black mark on his arm; it could have been from anything... an ink stain?

However, if he was a death eater, we would have to be really careful. He was young and obviously more powerful than us.

We would have to tread cautiously around him.

Percy POV
Ugh. Stupid, ball and stupid dates.

After thinking about it and deciding that there was no other solution, I decided to go to Professor Dumbledore's office to drop out of the tournament.

Albus had told me his password at the start of the year.

'Sour Snakes!' I said as I reached his door.

The gargoyles, turned opening the staircase which led to the Professor.

Walking down the steps, I reached a clustered room.

'Percy, what a pleasant surprise,' Dumbledore beamed, 'what brings you here today?'

'I would like to drop out of the tournament,' I said waiting for his reaction.

His smile visibly turned into a frown and he stood up.

'But, why, my boy? Has somebody done something to upset you?' He asked.

'No! No! Everyone here has been very nice, but it's just that I don't have a date to the Yule Ball,' I said.

He seemed shocked, to say the least.

'What? I was under the impression that you had already been asked to the ball,' he said.

'Yes, I was, but I had to decline, unfortunately. The girls are lovely, don't get me wrong, but I have a girlfriend, who I love with all my heart and I would never cheat on her, even if she doesn't have a problem with it or if it's not technically cheating, I just wouldn't,' I said.

His face softened.

'Oh I see, well no matter, I shall talk to the head of the Triwizard Tournament committee, I'm sure that they can make an exception.'

A huge grin appeared on my face.

'Thank you! This really does mean a lot to me,' I said, excusing myself out.

Thank the gods for that. Headache over.

Now all I had to worry about was keeping Harry safe and figuring out a way to slow dance by myself.

Dumbledore had said that he can get me out of having to go with a date but he said nothing about me skipping the opening dance thing.

I guess I'll have to figure that one out myself.

This part has 972 words.

Hey guys! Here's another chapter for you. Sorry this was another filler chapter, I just really wanted to show Hermione's opinion about Percy so far.

Hopefully the next chapter will be the Yule Ball.

Thanks for all your votes and positive comments.

I'll try to update soon!

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