0.1 - kendall

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/// one month prior

I walked into the girls bathroom, the door lightly creaking I sat in one of the stalls making sure the toilet seat was down, I took out the ham and cheese sandwich taking small bites. The girls bathroom wasn't my ideal place to eat, but it's not like I had much of a choice. I took a sip of my apple juice once I was finished I opened up the stall door, I threw it away then checking my appearance you would think being seventeen I would've adjusted to my appearance, though to myself I still look odd. My puffy brown hair, with my dull blue eyes just don't go, my attire includes tennis shoes, bell bottom pants, and a oversized green day shirt. To some people my clothes don't appeal to them, but it's only my opinion that's suppose to count right? So why bother dressing to other peoples liking. I walked out making sure my back pack was secured on my back. I make no eye contact, I look down counting the white patterned tiles I pass. "hey Kendall I like your pants where'd you get them from?" some freshman teased, obviously trying to fit in. I don't blame him I would do the same, in fact I would do anything to fit in. I accidentally crash into something, or someone while walking causing me to fall "fuck" the person says. I look up to see Justin Bieber, "watch where the fuck you're going or else" he threatens as I get up "or what" I mutter under my breath, "I'll make you regret you were born, got that?" he huffs, "too late" I whisper. I made my way into my seventh class, last period. The only thing I look forward to in school, the seconds past inching towards the last bell.

"mom I'm home" I shouted placing down my back pack, and kicking off my shoes. I quickly made my way upstairs into the paint room, "how was school she smiled giving me a quick kiss on the cheek "great" I lied looking at her latest master piece, "the basic fruits in a bowl huh" I teased "like you could do any better," we both started laughing. It's time like these I regret saying I want to die, but the fact she doesn't notice my fading scars, or how I'm broken. My own mother can't tell I'm hurting, and in pieces.

I lay spread out on my bed listening to the usual bands. I go to sleep day dreaming about what a perfect life would be like.

I wake up to the ringing sound of my alarm clock, I quickly shut it off. I get up to shower, I look through my closet picking out the regular bell bottoms, and oversized t-shirt. I grab my lunch stuffing it in my back pack, and getting ahold of a banana, eating it as I walk to school. I'm not a big fan of walking but my mom can't afford me a car, also theirs only two months left of senior year. It won't hurt walking a few more months

today is the day we present our science fair projects, which has me worried sick. My palms sweat, my hair starts getting even more frizzy than usual. I get to science first period. he sits in front of me making my nerves go wild. "Ms. Miller" my teacher, Mrs. Martin calls my name, I grab my project from the side table all eyes on me. My face starts heating up signaling my cheeks are turning a deep red color. "today please" he says causing my face to get warmer "Justin, please be respectful to other students when presenting" she scoffs, causing him to roll his eyes. Tears are on the verge of cascading my face. "I can't do this" I say going back to my seat, I hear half of the class laugh, I lay my head down blocking out all sounds I fucking hate Justin Bieber.

At lunch I decide to go outside, it's not too hot, and not too cold. I sit under the tree getting out my cheap pre-paid phone. I'm not even sure why I have a phone. I don't text, or call anybody. when I'm not at home, I'm at school, when I'm not at school I'm home. when I finish up and throw away my trash "uh hello I need help" I hear a voice behind me as I pass my locker to go into the bathroom, I turn to see a boy, fairly attractive, I nod "do you know where the cafeteria is?," "yea it's over here" I lead him there and he thanks me he had brown hair, and a British accent "what's your name?" he asks politely "Kendall, you?", "Ryan" he says as he enters the cafeteria waving bye. I shrugged making my way into the bathroom I saw a poster with big letters that read 'senior only dance! this Friday' I sighed rolling my eyes all of these dances are filled with high/ and or drunk teens rubbing all over each other. I've only ever been to one dance, and I'm never going back.

the bell rings signaling to go to seventh which is English "so today class we're partnering up for a project worth fifty percent of your grade, it's due a month from now. The goal of the project is to get to know your partner. You should be able to write things you never knew about one another, the list for partners will be on the board you may check at the end of class." she hands out the syllabus, I was hoping it would be a one-person kind of project because I'm obviously not gonna end up with someone i can tolerate.

at last the bell rings, I get up putting away my supplies, I get to the board finding my name and my partner I mutter a few swear words "don't screw this up Miller" I hear him say, I get the one and only Justin Bieber


so I am in the middle of editing. I'm sorry if you keep getting notifications that I updated. If you've read my whole book I suggest you re-read the edited chapters because they're all new

thanks for 560k reads!!! I'm hoping by the time I get 600k I am up to date with editing so the new readers don't have to suffer with me editing the chapters I suggest you don't read the chapter unless it's edited because this fanfic has been going on for about a year and what I've written is horrid and I'm never up to date with updating

affected // j.b.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora