0.2 - kendall

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Justin forbid to exchange any type of communication as in phone number, home address, or even email so we could start our project, he simply told me we would only work on it at school in the library. I didn't fight back, or tell him otherwise, I wasn't a big fan of being social when I didn't have to.

it's been a week and we've worked on it everyday, his brutish comments never ceased but at least we were getting some done.

I walked through the empty halls as usual. It's a habit to look down, I hate looking up because then I will be able to see them laughing or making rude comments about something as simple as my shoes or pants.I grab my books from my locker quickly stuffing all of them in my book bag

"Kendall!" I heard someone squeal, I slowly turned around unaware of who was calling my name, it's not very often I get people shouting my name in the halls. I looked to see Vanessa. She is one of the 'populars at our school. I honestly wish she would just leave me alone.



(*ok so I don't usually switch povs in the middle of a chapter, especially to a backup character. I'm not planning on making Vanessa a big character in this book so I'm sorry oh and this is kinda like earlier that day sooooo yah enjoy!!*)

"Molly you're too nice, making everyone your charity case. You can't help everyone" I huffed as we ate our lunch with the usual; Justin, Christian, Ryan, Nolan, and Caitlin. They all nodded agreeing with me. Molly always feels like she has the need to take time out of her day to help those who apparently need a little more 'help'

"Well I doubt if any you guys actually tried to help anyone you wouldn't be able to" she rolled her eyes picking at her salad; I don't remember when or how Molly and I met but I'm honestly reconsidering it.

"yes I could!" I fight back she quickly looks up smirking at me

"no you couldn't" she laughs, "choose anybody I bet anything I could" I soon regret those words as soon as they come out I didn't actually mean them. "okay, how about Kendall" she smiled deeply, "who?" I raise an eyebrow, "Kendall. the one who eats in the bathroom" I hear snickering come from the few males at our table I huff not wanting to let them down "fine, you guys fucking suck" I get up to throw away my lunch my high heels making small clicking sounds



"what do you want?" I groaned, her smile faded into a disgusted look for a split second but quickly replaced with the same fake smile.

"I was thinking you would want to come to this party tonight we decided to invite you because you seem fun" she was now standing in front of me, impatiently waiting for an answer her face was caked in makeup, her black hair was curled, and her dress went above mid thigh making myself feel insecure.

"uh no thanks" I closed my locker as I started to walk away, "please I promise it will be fun" she practically ran after me begging "why is this so important to you" I sighed knowing her little clique was only due to come out so they could start laughing at my stupidity "I will be by your side the whole time I will be fun!" her penetrating voice echoed in the halls I nodded slightly so I could get her off my back a big smile covered her face "ok here's my number text me your address, party is in two day's we can go shopping tomorrow" her words were rushed as she handed me a piece of paper and continued to walk down the hall I heard her mutter something I ignored as I made my way home.



this is so short like I'm so sorry)-:

ik their hasn't been any one on one Justin and Kendall moments but this is like only the second or third chapter so calm ur boobs

I hope you've enjoyed!!

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