0.3 - Kendall

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i was debating whether or not to text Vanessa, knowing if I didn't i would be in deep shit, but if i did i know i would regret it. I mean its only shopping how bad could it be? i sent her a quick text with my address.


It was worse than i thought, "what are they doing here" i slightly groaned as i saw Justin and Nolan coming towards us. We were currently at the FashionSquare mall i already regretted texting her. "C'mon Ken it will be fun" i snarled at the nick name she called me but stayed calm as they approached us "hello ladies" Justin smiled, Nolan waved awkwardly, i did the same "lets go shopping shall we?" Vanessa said way too perky, she grabbed ahold of my hand leading me into a store called 'Urban Outfitters' i had never heard of it.

although the clothes were nice they weren't my style. I was dressed in comfy baggy jeans,a arctic monkeys shirt, blue nike pros, and my chocolate colored hair was in a messy fish tail. "I didn't bring any money" i whispered to her as i heard the boys quietly talking behind us "pick out anything i pay" she smiled, but i recognized the smile it was fake, trust me i would know. Money isn't anything to her, her family is filthy rich, unlike me. I picked out a pair of jeans "those are boy pants" i heard Vanessa say from behind me "i like them" i mumbled, "how about this you pick out something for me, over there" she pointed towards the more girly things, "and i will pick something out for you" she pushed me towards the direction, shes a bitch. "Do you need help" i heard a chuckle from behind me as i stared cluelessly into the racks of cardigans, flannels, and skirts. I turned to see Nolan, his smile was genuine "yes please" i begged, "well she usually would wear a skirt or dress to a party" he offered, pointing to a few pieces of clothing.

I ended up picking out a floral dress, and cardigan. Even though Vanessa was a bitch i admired her style, it wasn't slutty, it was modish. I picked out the outfit with Nolan's help. He was funny and nice he seemed real, unlike the others. I handed Vanessa her outfit, her eyes went wide "wow miller i like it" she gave me mines it was not my style at all. It was a short light denim skirt, with a white shirt that had black polka dots the collar was outlined in black, and some black converse. (I will try to attach the photo of both outfits so you can see!)


The party is tonight, you could say i regret saying yes. I don't even know why i said yes i guess i was hoping to actually get out of the house for once. I was in my outfit Vanessa had picked out for me, it's the most skin i've shown, ever. but its going to be dark whats the worst that will happen? I heard a knock on the door, i opened the door to reveal the one and only, Vanessa.

affected // j.b.Where stories live. Discover now