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life is hard it truly is, especially when you have to leave those who were by your side the whole time. It's the most horrible experience ever. I promised them I would see them again

Laser tag came to an end, me and Justin were actually nice to each other forgetting last night

"Bye guys I will miss you" I frown hugging them each

"Make sure to text us every second I love you Ken" Chaz gave me another hug tightly I shut the door I know I'm doing the right thing but it does hurt leaving them it's only 30 minutes but it's far, not the same school, and always busy it's gonna be hard to see them again

I slowly go upstairs I slump on my bed to hear my phone ringing I dig it out of my dress pocket

"Hey dad" I tried to sound as happy as possible

"Hey sweetie I can't make it can your friend drive you? work needs me being a doctor has it's cons" he chuckled nervously

"Of course love you bye" I sighed hanging up Pattie is at work I have to ask Justin

I pranced out of my room barging into his room, he was watching some movie

"Uh hey" I smiled awkwardly

He sat up quickly "hey"

"Could you drive me to my dads? he's at work and yea he won't make it" I twirl my hair nervously

"Of course" he said, I checked the time on my phone 3:25 I guess it wouldn't hurt to start heading there it does take up to 30 minutes to get there, he yanked his keys off his night stand

I quickly went to the guest room, last night I couldn't sleep I wrote a note for Pattie and Justin individual ones for both of them I made sure to put it on the counter, I sighed grabbing my bag slowly tugging it downstairs


"Are we there yet?" I asked impatiently

"Actually yes" he parked in a house, it's huge

"Wow" I scanned the house its amazing

I quickly got out with my bags Justin got out with me

"I guess this is it" I smiled weakly

"Tell the rest I said I miss them" I sighed running my hand through my hair

"Bye Kendall" he came forward giving me a big hug, I really didn't care that I was mad at him I hugged him back

"Bye Justin" I waved him off

"I love you" I whispered quietly frowning once I saw his car turn the block

I marched up the steps, I knocked lightly

A young women, chocolate brown hair, green eyes opened the door

"Oh my gosh you are prettier then he said! you must be Kendall I've been expecting you!" She smiled "TYLER COME DOWN TO SED KENDALL"

A little kid came down the same one I saw at the park his eyes were twinkling "hey bud" I gave him a hug

"Your new room is next to Ty's make your self at home, Your dad will be home around 9" she said politely I nodded going upstairs

This is my new home. I have to start over. Bye bye memories


*6 months later*

"Did you see that pass Rachel did? It's like she was freaking afraid of the ball! we could've won" Steph rambles on and on about our volleyball game we had yesterday night

Okay so you're probably wondering what happened to me blah blah blah

Let me tell you in WAY happier, I've lost weight the healthy way, I started eating more, I stopped cutting. I haven't talked to Selena, Chaz, or Christian in moths, I haven't seen them since that day we played laser tag and for Justin we haven't talked since it's kinda sad but at least I'm happy. I'm not bullied anymore, I'm actually well known in my school. After that day I got settled I was actually happier. Once school rolled back around I was nervous but on the first day I made a bunch of friends, Steph is my best friend along with Niall today we are celebrating our volleyball match and going to the mall Niall is suppose to meet us at my house right now we are sitting on my bed on our phones waiting and talking

I have changed from 6 months ago the last time I saw everyone, I have longer hair, blonde highlights, I'm skinnier but healthy looking and I'm proud I'm not beautiful but nobody is perfect

My room is a turquoise color, I have Christmas lights hanging, clumps of posters everywhere I designed it a couple months ago I have wall just for my own pictures, I have a few pictures with my friends, and at volleyball practice

(A.N. you probably guessed it lol but Niall is playing Niall Horan hehe)

*honk* *honk*

"Finally" I groaned we jumped off my bed

When I got here I found out that Tyler was 10 he acted younger then 10 but yea he's 11 now, he's into girls, games, and other boy stuff he grew out of that baby phase and tbh he's amazing we fight but not often

"Tyler I'm leaving don't get into trouble" I shouted as I opened the door

"I will try not to" he shouted back, me and Steph giggled as we exited and hopped into Niall's car

"Niall what took so fucking long" I asked

"Traffic" he shrugged

"You live freaking two houses away how was there traffic" we all laughed I knew we were going to the mall I just don't know where


"We are here" he said as the car parked making the engine go silent, I looked up from my phone no fucking way

This is the mall by my old house, by my abusive mother, I use to come here all the time. Memories. This is where we went for laser tag oh god

"You alright" Steph asks poking my rib cage

"Yea, yea just hungry" I smile nervously

"Alright lets go eat" Niall pumps his fist in the air leading us to the food court I remember every inch of this mall.

"I want pizza" I smiled tugging there arms towards Anthony's pizza

We each got a slice then sat in the middle of the food court

"Oh my god! Kendall?" I turn to see the faces I never expected

"Selena? Chaz?" I squeal jumping out of my seat to hug them they're with some short girl that has brown hair

"How are you?" I asked

"Great oh my gosh look at you! you're so beautiful" she smiled

"Hey Ken" Chaz has wide eyes obviously surprised

"Who are you guys here with?" I asked

"Nolan, Caitlin, and Justin" she shrugs picking at her nails

"Mhm" Justin's name gives me the shivers

"Well Selena, Chaz, this is Steph and Niall" I introduce them

"Steph, Ni they're from my old school" I inform them

"Ooh hey" they greet them

"There you guys are" I hear that voice I was afraid to hear

"Yea Justin look who it is" Chaz says pointing to me

"Kendall" he's shocked


I know this is short I'm sorry:(((

Butttttt a lot has happened! I'm sorry about the huge skip in time but I didn't know what else to put
It's really late and I just wanted to update, that's three times in one day yay

Oh and did you hear how the police ransacked Justin's house, and they found cocaine but it belonged to Lil Za and he got arrested, but Justin hasn't said anything about. I hope Justin wasn't doing cocaine with Za bc honestly he hangs out with bad influences

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