All Bad

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so uh sorry I haven't updated lol

la la la



*2 days later*

I just got off the phone with Chaz, the doctors office had just called they want me to stop by to get the results

Once I find a parking I nervously fumble with the key to lock the doors

I stumble inside up to the front desk I was greeted by a nice lady with silver hair, slicked back into a bun

"Hello what are you here for" she politely smiled

"Uhm I'm here for Kendall Larison a pregnancy test" she nods going to find the results

It's like my words didn't affect her, did teens come in every day asking for the out comes of there pregnancy test

she handed me a bag, I smiled nervously then walked out I'm gonna wait for Chaz, I know he's not like 'the father' if I am pregnant but he's the only one that's been supporting me

I sit in my car putting the test a side, I decide to text Chaz my hands were trembling as I type

-Kendall- Chaz I got it where r u I'm so nervous :(

-Chaz- I'm at Justin's, come here he won't bother you I promise

-Kendall- uh okay be there in 10

I listened to music on the radio trying to get my mind off of it but I can't.


I parked on the side line of Justin's house god I hope he doesn't act like a bitch today

I grab ahold of the test, then I stroll up to the front door, I knock twice waiting for it to open

"uh hey?" Justin opens the door crap I was hoping Chaz would open, I hide the test behind my back

"I need Chaz" he rolls his eyes then I see another head peek Chaz

"Hey Kendall come in" I hear Justin huff but Chaz elbows him

I didn't notice before that Justin was shirtless fuck he's hot.

I quickly turn my head to Chaz

"I'm gonna go get a shirt on" Justin calls out I hear footsteps going up the stairs

"So what happened?" Chaz asked

"Nothing I just went to the doctors asked for this and yea here it is" I tremble

We sit shoulder to shoulder on the couch I slowly open it I read it

I'm in tears, I sob into Chaz's chest

"Ken it's gonna be okay do you wanna tell Justin?" he asks

"Tell Justin what?" I hear a familiar voice

I ignore him and keep sobbing



Fuck why does Kendall have to be here? I throw on a plain black shirt with my shorts

I stroll down stairs I hear sobbing, "Ken do you wanna tell Justin?" I walk down more to see Kendall crying with Chaz comforting her

"Tell Justin what?" I raise an eyebrow "someone fucking tell me"

"Uh Justin, Kendall is p-pregnant" Chaz stutters

"and why do I need to know?" I roll my eyes

"Because you're the f-father" I walk towards Kendall snatching the test away he's right, she's pregnant.

Fuck fuck fuck


Don't stop reading bc she's pregnant trust me there is a huge surprise in the middle

Lala laalalalalalalala

Finally the weekend

Well byeeeeeeee

comment to tell me what you thinkk

affected // j.b.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ