Never Say Never

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So uhm one of the puppies died yesterday I wanted to cry so bad

I've been trying to not eat. That's not working out well bc if I get like too hungry I start not feeling well ugh.

Thanks for 1k reads again lol it means a lotttt



"I'm gonna beat your ass" I giggled as I was playing X-box against Chaz, while Selena and Ryan watched in humor

"Hah I told you so" I perked my head up, and crossed my arms like a snobby rich girl

"Our turn" Selena squealed, we handed them our remotes

*after 1 hour of playing 3:00*

"This is getting boring lets go for a walk" I whined

"Sounds good" Ryan agreed

"Sure" Selena dropped her controller, Chaz following behind her

"Did any of you get invited to Caitlin's party?" Ryan asked

Selena nodded

"Yup" Chaz said

"That shouldn't even be a question for me" I raised an eyebrow. I never get invited to anything, since Sel, Ry, and Chaz are the 'popular' ones they're always getting invited to things

"I'm sorry Ken" Selena pouted hugging me

"It's fine I'm use to it" I sighed

I saw the park, it was old rusty, silent, no children ever really went there

I felt muscular arms wrap around me pulling me off my feet bridal style

"Fuck! Chaz you scared me" I giggled laying my head in the crook of his neck

(A.N. do you think Chaz and Kendall should start liking each other and date? Or just be really good friends that each have a mini crush on each other not sure yet lol)

"That's why I did it" he smirked proudly putting me down

"Whatever" I giggled tugging at Ryan's sleeve pulling him to the swings



"Tay don't you wanna go out" I pouted

I was sitting on the couch, my arm wrapped around her neck

"How about we go get some Starbucks?" she smiled

God she was the best girlfriend in the world, she never asked me to get her anything, supported everything I did, and loved my beliebers

I shut the TV off, my mom was out with her friends like always

I wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked out the door, I locked it behind me

*at starbucks*

"I will have a pumpkin spice" I smiled

They had to shut down the whole restaurant for me, the lady that was writing out order down was trembling I smirked at the thought

"I will have what he's having" she smiled at me, intertwining our fingers

"That will be $6.34" the clerk trembled even more making eye contact with me

Taylor was taking out her money when I beat her to it

"Babe I was gonna pay" she whined

"No can do princess" I said as we walked out the cafe hand in hand each with a cup in our hand

"Let's go to the park it's right around the corner" she squealed

*at the park*

"Oh great" I mumbled under my breath, Kendall was here, at least she wasn't alone Chaz and Ryan are here

"SEL AND KEN ARE HERE" Taylor squealed running to them leaving me walking alone

(A.N. I decided to make Kendall and Taylor friends bc ya know sweg I'm totally joking just so you know, but they're friends just so y'all know)



"Hey Tay" I smiled

"Aye" Selena said

"We should totally have a girls night for the three of us soon I need one" Selena sighed

"What about tonight?" I asked

"Sure" Taylor smiled

Selena nodded


This one is so short like it's horrible

It's short bc I can't think straight since my 3 puppies died

IG: haiiillleee
Tumblr: pre4ch-pizza
Twitter: RauhlKingdomx
Kik: twerkbro

Have a fantastic day (:


affected // j.b.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें