Life Saver

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omfg your guys comments literally made me wanna cry they're so sweet, ily guyssss


Kendall's POV

"too fucking bad" she shouts, im on the groud like a worthless piece of crap, i make sure to sheild my tummy, she puches, kicks, and tugs me

i know i should be use to it, but im not, tears start streaming down my cheeks, my arms are numb from being punched, my scalp is bloody from her tugging, she kicks my leg harder then ever i scream in pain why me?

i hear a squeak in the corner of the room, i look, Justin.

obviously my 'mom' didn't notice him, i look away to prevent from crying more, but it doesn't work.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER" i look at justin again his face is red from anger, mouthing 'help'

"fuck off" she says calmly

"don't you dare come near her or me, or i will call the fucking cops" he snears

she smirks evily "that piece of shit if yours" she backs off, walking upstairs, what? this is a game, i've known her long enough to know that.

i put my hands to my face, crying loudly, this isn't the worst she has beat me this month but it sure does feel like it

he kneels down "are you okay?" he whispers

i nod "i'm fine this isn't the wor- i'm fine" i groan in pain as he picks me up bridal style

i feel a little blood trickling from my scalp, my eyes start feeling lazy as i close them "Kendall stay with me" justin whispers but i can't all i see is black


Justin's POV

her eyes close, she looks pale, i rush into the house i lay her on the sofa "MOM" i shout in a panic, i tug at my hair in anger

she walks into the room with her apron on

"what" she asks, her eyes go wide as she sees Kendall

"go get her a ice pack and the first aid kit" she rushes to kendall, i nod at her comand

once kendalls head is not bleeding much my mom stops dabbing her head, "stay here with her incase she wakes" i nod i sit on the couch, i lift her head up slightly and lay it on my lap

i know im suppose to stay away from Kendall because i promised her, i cant break our promise but Kendall is hurt, i miss Kendall so much, but i doubt she would ever forgive me plus, i made a deal with her


Kendalls's POV

my eyes dart open, where am i? i look around Justin's house, i look out the window it's dark.

My head aches, my arms are sore, i feel something moving i look up to see justin, he slept with me here on the couch? but why? he's actually been nicer, sometimes

justin moves is arm around my waist, keeping me trapped

i lay my head back on justins lap then doze off


Pattie's POV

i start making breakfast i prepare the eggs, pancake mix, and bacon

once i finish i fix up two plates then set it at the table, i walk out to the couch that Kendall was laying on last night i awh at what i find

Justin and Kendall snuggling, i hope the can rekindel there friendship they really have something special, justin doesn't act like it but i always see a small sparkle when shes around

i quickly scramble to find my phone, i press the camera app, i take a few photos


Kendalls POV

i wake up to the sound of clicking, i slightly open my eyes Pattie stands with her phone taking pictures, i smile shes so sweet, i realize what shes doing when i cant get up, justin has trapped me with his arms around my waist

"Pattie help" i laugh

she walks over tugging at his arms, wont budge

his eyes flicker open, "justin let me go" i beg

he looks down realizing what hes doing, he quickly notices and gets up banging my head with his legs

i groad in pain i grip my head, some blood is left on my fingers, he looks worriedly "i-im sorry" he says

"its fine" i assure him trying not to groan again from all the pain, "well i made breakfast for you two its on the table, i have to go run arons, justin i left 40 dollars, its for kendall, to get her a toothbrush, a few outsits, and stuff she needs because she will be staying here for a few days" she demands, he nods

i didnt know i was staying here that long.. "oh yea kendall we have a extra toothbrush upstairs in the kitchen, and once you shower justin will lend you some sweats and a shirt, just rewear your undergarments until you get more" i nod

Pattie walks out leaving us in silence "justin is it okay if i go upstairs to brush my teeth?" i ask

"sure i dont care, you dont have to ask" he chuckles lightly

i make my way upstairs, remembering all the good and bad memories, when me and justin kissed in his room on his bed, that was my first kiss it was awkward but it made it all better with him, when we had our first middle school party when his mom was out of town, we each found the vodka and had our first drink

i laugh at the mini hangover we had the next morning we would have sleepovers all the time, good times..

when i make my way to his bathroom i search through his draws, i find a red plastic toothbrush, i smear toothpaste on it, i splash my face then make my way back downstairs

im not hungry after last night but i have to eat for the baby today is 3 months, i rub my tummy smiling picturing the little fetus, i booked a ultra sound last week for tomorrow i wonder if justin would come, i will just ask

once i get down hes already half way done

after i chomp down my eggs im not hungry i place it in the sink, justin walks behind me doing the same "lets get ready so we can get you stuff" he huffs

i nod then decide to ask now "justin?"

"yea?" he asks

"so uh i have a ultra sound tomorrow i was wondering if maybe you wanted to come" i bite my lip nervously

"sure" he shruggs

that was easier than i thought, im hoping justin goes a whole day without being rude or starting a arguement


hehe i think i have been better at updating

should i upload photos on what the characters look like? idk yet

i usually listen to pandora when i make these or recently ive been listening to midnight memories

well hope you guys had a fabulous thanksgiving

comment on what you thinkk

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