Chapter One

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Did I want to be alone in the kitchen making a cup of coffee as my head throbbed? No, I didn't but here I was on the day of my best friend's wedding feeling the consequences of the wild bachelorette party that I, as maid of honour, had planned.

I looked at the clock on the wall of the hotel kitchen, the flawless white tiles cold beneath my feet. 6am. I groaned, downing the strong, hot liquid. I had to admit that I'd let the bachelorette party get out of hand last night when one of the bridesmaids threw up.

I checked the bedroom and Mckenzie was still sound asleep. I was going to wake her up at eight because as the bride, I wanted her to have enough sleep especially when I consider the fact that I'd kept her up all hours with the party.

We had gone to three different clubs, two of those were strip clubs and not the female kind. I didn't feel bad because I knew for a fact that her fiancée had an equally crazy bachelor party. I left the suite I was sharing with Mckenzie and went to the opposite room, opening the unlocked door. I went to the bedroom to wake up two of the bridesmaids.

"Victoria." I said gently nudging the blonde as she slept in the bed, snoring lightly. Poor girl got hammered last night, she was probably going to have a serious hangover. She groaned and rolled over and I frowned.

Victoria Eastwood was known as Queen Victoria in the media, mainly because she was filthy rich and she acted like a queen. The blonde had a bite to her and despite the fact that she used to date the guy my best friend was going to marry in a couple of hours, I had a really soft spot for the girl.

"Candice, time to wake up." I said softly to the red head that slept next to Victoria. Candice stirred, opening her green eyes.

"Thanks for waking us up." She said politely. Candice Seinfeld was an absolute dear. She was from the south, nobody knew much about her because she was a woman that valued her privacy but I definitely knew that she was a genuine friend.

"Just wake Vicky up, please. We need to get ready before Mckenzie." I told her. Candice nodded and started working on trying to get Victoria awake.

I left their room and into the cold hallway. I opened the last door that was occupied by our bridesmaids. I went into the bedroom expecting to find two brunettes in the bedroom but instead I found one little Italian princess spread out on the queen sized bed.

"Arianna." I poked her leg. She didn't stir. "Arianna." I said more forcefully. I was getting impatient so I grabbed a pillow and smacked her over the head.

"Gesù Cristo!" she exclaimed in her mother tongue. I laughed at her as she frowned sitting up. "I already have a headache." Arianna muttered.

Arianna Valente was a little ball of Italian fire. Her family was loaded, always had been and her brothers seemed to flaunt it more than she did. She and her best friend were much like me and Mckenzie, inseparable.

"Where's Kylie?" I asked her.

"What?" she groaned.

"Your best friend, brunette, brown eyes about this tall."

" she not back yet?" she looked around. I shook my head. Arianna looked a little hesitant to speak. "She...snuck out to go see Mason last night." She admitted. I groaned.

"Are you serious right now?" I huffed exiting the room.

"Don't be mad!" Arianna called after me. Don't be mad? I was more annoyed because now I had to go fetch a bridesmaid from another hotel.

We were at the Courtyard Hotel where the wedding reception was being held. Kylie had gone off to see her boyfriend at the Townsend Hotel which was three blocks away. I understood that he was away for some months, serving in the military and she hadn't seen him in a long time, I understood that, I really did but I didn't want to be walking in the street at dawn, barefoot, looking for this girl.

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