Chapter Twenty-Eight

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One would think I'd be used to the feeling of waking up with someone next to me... but somehow I wasn't.

I knew it was Elijah next to me, breathing softly, arm wrapped around my waist as he slept peacefully. I liked having him next to me. There was just something about last night that lingered in my mind.

I liked knowing that I'd gone somewhere with him and then come home with nobody else but felt familiar however there was lingering uneasiness in me.

Despite knowing that the bed was the warmest place to be, I climbed out, my feet touching the soft carpet that lined Elijah's bedroom floor.

The light in the room was dim, coming through the windows but stuck behind thick curtains. I stood for a while, watching him sleep, wondering what was going on in his mind because I had reached a moment of confusion.

I snuck out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen. There was a slight chill in the apartment but that was only because I was only wearing a t-shirt. As I arrived in the kitchen, I smiled at how I'd finally navigated my way through his apartment without actually getting lost and I was super proud of myself.

I poured some water into the kettle and waited so that I could make myself a cup of coffee.

As I brewed my cup of coffee I thought about how I'd never had a real conversation with Elijah about what we were doing, about how we saw each other or what our connection meant. I wasn't used to keeping people around for this long so this was not a problem I'd encountered in years but for some reason just the thought of it made my palms sweaty.

I went back to the bedroom after drinking my coffee and snuck to the en suite bathroom. There was a small drawer that contained some of my stuff...I took out a toothbrush and started brushing my teeth.

I finished brushing my teeth and just washed my face with nothing other than some cold water. My reflection stared back at me in the mirror. I didn't know what to think of her. Always so sure of herself but for the first time in a while I wasn't exactly sure of what I was doing.

I turned the shower water on, letting it heat up as I got out of my t-shirt. I took a hair tie out of the drawer Elijah had allocated for me and I put it around my wrist.

I stepped into the hot shower and instantly loved the feeling of the water cascading down my body. I let it run down me for a bit before grabbing a bottle of shampoo and getting down to the nitty gritty of washing my curly hair.

I lathered and rinsed twice and during that time the smell of a lavender field permeated the shower. On my last rinse I could hear movement in the bathroom but my eyes were closed to avoid getting shampoo in them. I rinsed it out and as I ran my hands over my eyes to help me open my eyes the shower door slid open.

Elijah got into the shower, followed by a ridiculously cold gust of air that only stopped when he closed the door again. I held onto his arm as we found comfortable spots to stand so that neither of us were drowning under the shower head. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me.

He reached out and pushed some of my hair back out of my face and I remembered that I was still in the midst of washing my hair. I was sure all the shampoo was rinsed out so now was time for the best life hack I could have ever know. I collected all my hair, wringing it out as I went along even though it was getting kind of wet again, I just needed it to stay together. I then took my hair tie and put all my hair into a tight ponytail. I started the process of trying to braid the pony but Elijah put his hand on mine and spoke.

"Let me do it." He said softly. My lips curled up into a small smile and I turned around, curious to see if he could actually do it. He'd played with my hair before but it was never to get a proper hairstyle done.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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