Chapter Six

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I stepped out of my car, sure to bring my purse along. The evening breeze was cold as it touched my cheeks. I buttoned up my jacket and I walked to the restaurant.

Honestly, I was too lazy to cook at home again so I just decided to get some take out. Yes, I could've had it delivered but I wasn't that lazy. I walked inside and was immersed in the smell of freshly cooked food. The place was busy, as busy as you'd expect it to be on a Friday night around 7pm.

I started for the counter to go and place my order for takeaway. When I got there I didn't immediately order, I just took one of the menus and sat down on a stool browsing through it. I wasn't sure if I was feeling like a salad or something more stable.

I kept flipping through the menu after asking the girl at the counter to give me two minutes.

"Oh my god, Megan?" I heard a voice and I looked up. I was met with an excited smile from an old friend.

"Dani, oh wow." I stood up from my chair to give the blond a hug. "It's been so long, how are you?" I asked in the middle of our embrace.

"I'm great, it's so good to see you, how are you?" she asked me, stepping back and taking in my appearance.

"I'm good, I'm good." I chuckled.

"Still working on that growing thing?" she teased. I narrowed my eyes at her playfully.

"Still waiting for people to stop making fun of my height actually." I retorted teasingly.

Daniella Bertini and I had gone to college together. We'd met at a party and became quick friends soon after. She didn't study what I studied instead she had studied psychology if I was not mistaken.

"So what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I'm just getting some take out and then heading home." She gasped at my response.

"No! Come join us!" she gushed.

"Who's us?"

"It's just me and my boyfriend and Oliver." My lips twitched at the mention of her brother.

"Olly? I haven't seen him in so long, how is he?" I asked.

"Why don't you join us and then you can ask him yourself." She replied.

"I'm only going to say hi to Olly 'cause I haven't seen him in ages but then I'm going." Daniella beamed, grabbing my arm and yanking me away from the counter. I followed her through the restaurant to the table that she was sharing with her boyfriend and her brother.

"Oliver!" Daniella sang. "Look who I found."

I couldn't help the smile that graced my face when I saw Oliver. He still had his freckles scattered across his button nose, still had the big brown eyes and still had the auburn hair...and he definitely still had the dimples when he smiled.

"Oh my god, Megan!" Oliver jumped up from his seat to embrace me. Despite wearing heels he was still a lot taller than me and he managed to lift me up off the ground a bit. "Wow." He breathed, taking in my appearance, "Wow, wow, wow, you look beautiful."

"Thanks, Olly. It's so good to see you again." I grinned.

"Are you joining us? Please say you're joining us."

"She's not." Daniella groaned. "She just wanted to say hi and go, party pooper." She added with a mumble.

"Oh come on, Megan, stay." Oliver urged. He put his hand on my shoulder. "Please." He pouted. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Fine, I'll stay but first," I turned to the guy I assumed was Daniella's boyfriend. "Hi, I'm Megan." I extended my hand to him.

"David." He shook my hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

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