Chapter Seven

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"Morning, beautiful." Oliver whispered.

I rolled onto my back, prying my eyes open and letting the sun light up my surroundings. I looked around the room and Oliver stood over me holding a mug.

"Morning." I smiled, sitting up and holding the covers to my naked chest.

"I made you coffee." He handed me the warm cup and the aroma of the fresh coffee wafted into my nostrils. I took a sip and sighed, satisfied.

"This is good." I complimented Oliver who took his own cup from the night stand and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm kind of an expert." He grinned.

"Clearly." I took another sip. "Thank you."

"You sleep well?" he asked. I nodded quickly.

"Very. Although I'm pretty sure I heard you snore." I joked. Oliver laughed.

"That is a lie. How could you hear anything through your own snoring?" he teased. I laughed. "I like this."

"What?" I asked.

", me." He shrugged. "Look I know this is all 'no strings attached' and I won't attach any strings...unless you want me to." He added almost hopefully.

"Olly." I put my cup down on the night stand. "I'm not in any position to be attaching new strings right now."

"You're not like married are you, cause your necklace-" I interrupted him with a laugh.

I put my hand to the chain that held my ring on it. "No, I'm not married, this ring, it's- it's for something else." I told him.


"Look, Oliver, you're a great guy, you know this, I know this, but I'm really not in a place in my life right now where I'm looking to start anything serious...I'm kind of just going with the flow, trying to figure out how life really works...trying to figure out how I work...I just haven't found that stability within myself, you get me?"

Oliver nodded. "I liked it better when you called me Olly."

"Literally from everything I said, was that all you got? Me calling you Oliver?" I deadpanned. Oliver laughed.

"No, no, I got it all, I get you, relax." He chuckled.

"I was about to be like what the hell." I added with my own chuckle. There was a slight silence after that.

"Can I ask you something?" Oliver asked me, his brown eyes looking directly at me.

"What?" I took my coffee from the night stand and took a sip. His face turned a light shade of red as he spoke.

"Would it be inappropriate to ask you to join me for a morning shower?"

I chuckled. "Olly..." I paused. "The only inappropriate thing right now is that Captain America action figure on your windowsill."

Oliver looked at the windowsill and his face flamed. "I can explain that, it's my nephew's."


"No, I'm serious." He defended.

"I'm just messing with you, you can relax." I laughed. Oliver glared at me and I couldn't help but laugh some more.

"Just for that, I'm going to hold you hostage for the rest of the day."

"Is this what it has come to, holding me hostage?" I asked as I failed to supress my smile. Oliver grinned.

"Anything to keep you here as long as possible." He added with a smirk.

I ended up staying at Oliver's place the whole day which I didn't usually do. I was always so quick to leave but Oliver bribed me with pizza and good conversation. The day flew by and soon we had both gotten into an Uber, going back to the restaurant from the previous night to collect our cars that had stayed there in the parking lot overnight.

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