Chapter Ten

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I couldn't jump back quick enough and my entire forearm was soaked in cream coloured vomit. I supressed my urge to gag and instead just stiffly looked down at the little boy that had just puked on me.

"It's okay, I got this." Adam said as he got a small bucket from the corner of the room to give to the boy that continued emptying the contents of his stomach onto the floor. "Go get cleaned up." He smiled at me briefly.

I exhaled slowly. "Take some blood and send it to the lab, please." After Adam nodded and started soothing the sick boy I left to go to the bathroom and clean up. Luckily none of the kid's bodily fluids got onto my scrubs so all I had to do was thoroughly scrub my arm.

I walked out of the bathroom and down the hall way still looking down and inspecting my arm. I nearly bumped into someone as I walked.

"Whoa!" Jake said. "Easy there." He added. "You nearly trampled over me."

"Sorry, Dr Rawlins." I muttered before trying to get around and away from him. He stopped me by putting his hand on my arm.

"You're in a bit of a rush." He commented.

"I need to get to work." I replied dryly. Jake frowned as he looked at me and then he sighed.

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong, cause you've been avoiding me for the past three days we've been at work."

"There's nothing wrong, I just have a ten year old puking out his intestines so I'd appreciate it if you let me by so I can get back to my patient...unless you want to take over this patient too." My reply was slightly venomous and very bitter.

He scoffed. "You can't seriously still be angry about that."

"Angry? Who's angry? I'm not angry. I'm annoyed." I added the last part more forcefully. "It's hard not to get annoyed when all of your colleagues are treating you like you are incapable of doing your job."

"I was just following orders, Megan."

"Dr....Clarke." I corrected him quickly. He looked at me and I just looked back at him. "Excuse me."

"Megan, she does this to everyone!" His words made me stop in my tracks. "Woodmere does this to everyone, she did it to me too...It's not personal, there's just a method to her madness."

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean don't take it personally, she's just testing's how she works." He explained. I hesitated before answering him.

"I'll take your word for it, Rawlins." I said before turning around. "But if you're wrong and Woodmere's just messing with me for sport, I'm coming after you, not her." I warned playfully. Jake put his hands up in mock-surrender.

"Got it." he chuckled. "So we good?" he asked hopefully. I hesitated before nodding.

"Yeah, we're good. Just don't mess with my patients again." I added.

"I can't make any promises." Jake laughed and turned to walk away. I shook my head as I returned to the front desk.

Our charge nurse, Anna, was on the hospital phone. As I approached the desk, she took a file and handed it to me.

"Treatment Seven." She whispered. I nodded and took the file, scanning through it as I walked to the room to see what was up with this new patient.

My body had adapted to 12 hour shifts but it wasn't 100% used to the strain that came with the long hours. Luckily today was the last day of work for the next three days so I was more than excited to be back home.

My cellphone rang just as I walked into my apartment.

"Hello?" I greeted, shutting the door behind me.

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