Chapter Three

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Naruto pov still :

As I was cleaning I couldn't stop thinking about how nice it would be if I could go to the uchiha royal ball but I knew that was just wishful thinking.Because I didn't have anything to wear to a royal ball there is my mother dress that was really beautiful as well as old.But I would have crossdress as a girl because the invitations said that it was miss naruto they made a mistake when they wrote my invitation.Once invitations was made that part I'm a guy also there no way my stepmother would even let me go.So with that in mind I went back to cleaning when I was finally was done just as the carriage arrived.I hear the carriage pull up that means they were back from shopping and I remembered to leave their invitations on the table.Just as the front door opened also I could hear my stepsisters arguing with each other.Like always it was so annoying but funny so times to hear them argue with each other.

When naruto heard his stepmother and stepsisters open the door they could see the mansion was spotless it was really well cleaned that had a shine to it.Then the stepmother saw three invitations on the table along with a message which she read then she said my dear daughter it look like one of you may be able to find a husband.Because it said that king Fugaku is throwing a royal ball to help his youngest son prince sasuke find a bride.And the ball will be in three day from now after she said that Ino and sakura began fighting over who would marry prince sasuke this went for a while.Until their mother told them to stop that they need to go get the best fabric so that naruto can make your gown.But this would need to be done now so they went out again and naruto stepmother told him to get dinner started also have it really for when they return.With that they left once again leaving naruto all alone but he didn't mean it because he still had his mother silver heart shaped locket around his neck.

Fairy godmother/Shannon pov:

I couldn't stand the way naruto was being tricked it made me really mad but after I saw through my magic mirror and I saw that he had also gotten an invitations.Which mean that he will need my help for you see I have magic power.And only help those who are in need of it also I'm a princess as well as too.I've always watch over naruto or my mother did but it my turn now.Seen naruto mother passed away so I know that he will need my help because he will wanted to go to the royal ball.And I would be there to going to the to met my prince I just hope that I can help naruto find his happy ending.

Meanwhile naruto stepmother and stepsisters had just managed to get some real good fabric before everyone else could get to it.They pay for it then left for home and his stepsisters were just hoping that they could get to dances.With prince sasuke the night of the royal ball which was only three days aways.As they came into the mansion they all could smell that dinner was ready as they all made it to the dining room they saw that everything was done.To what their mother had asked naruto to do he severed them their dinner.Once he was done washing the dish he ate then he heard his evil stepmother calling for him and he knew that this could only mean more work.Was going to be piled on him and it was he had to make Ino and sakura's gowns for the royal ball.Which he knew that he could do this because was really good at sewing so this would be a cake walk for him.So he took Ino and sakura's measurements after he had their measurements he got to work on their gowns for the royal ball.Ino's gown was a beautiful deep purple as for sakura's it was a beautiful silk pink the gowns were coming together they were almost done.All they need was a  light pink bow to go around on sakura's and for Ino she wanted a purple ribbon wrap around hers and as for his stepmother's gown.Her was an ocean blue with dark blue wrap that also had a light blue lascie which was also done.Meanwhile in the palace sasuke was really upset when he heard that his father the king had invited every eligible young maiden in the uchiha kingdom.He couldn't stand this he was going to see his father when Itachi stop him then he asked what was rough and why was he so mad well.When he told his older brother what their father the king had done which he invited every eligible young maiden in the uchiha kingdom.After he told his brother that when he said sasuke you should play along and maybe you will find your true love like I did.

Prince Sasuke pov:

When my bother told me to just play along with this I took what he said to heart and well I went with it I just hope just that I can find.The one I'm meat to be with so I had decided that I would go along with the royal ball to help me find a bride.Also I know that my brother is going to ask princess shannon to marry him and once he marry her he will the king of the blue moon kingdom.As for our throne my father wants me to be the next king so with that in mind I was hoping that three day would pass already so the royal ball would be here.So that I could find my bride and ask him to marry me and also tell my father that I'm gay.That I've found that special someone to spend the rest of my life with I know this may not go well because I'm not sure how he will reacted to this news.

As sasuke was worring about that he had know idea that his true love was closer than he thought.When the night fall came everyone in town was fast asleep well almost everyone naruto was still working on the three gown for his stepsisters.Which were finally done all that was left was for them to try them on and next that was now done.Was his stepmothers gown it was done the way that she had asked seen he was done he went to bed and fell asleep right away.Just as the full moon was rising high into the night sky as naruto was sleeping he was crying.Because he missed his father so much as well as his mother but he knew that they would always be in his heart.

Naruto pov:

When I woke up to the sun light that began to hit my bedroom which was the attic now and I knew that it was morning.So after I was dressed I head down stair really quietly so is not to wake up my stepsisters and stepmother who were still fast a sleeping.Once I was down stair in the kitchen I got their breakfast started then I went out to feed the animals once that was done.I went back inside the mansion to finish their breakfast which didn't take long because the three bell that were on the wall of the kitchen went off.Then I knew that they were up now so I put their breakfast on three traces and went up the staircase.With two on one side of my arms and the other was on my head which I never spilled.When I made it to their bedroom I gave them breakfast and they gave me their laundry.As I made it to my stepmother bedroom she asked me if I have finished their gown yet and I told I had finished them.All that was left was for them to try the gowns on to see if the fit.When my stepmother heard that the gown were done she told me to take her laundry and have it done.Also they wanted to try their gown on when they returned from town.She said that they need to go find some new shoes as well as jewelry that would match their gowns.When I left my stepmothers bedroom I knew that more work would be waiting for me.

And naruto was right his evil stepmother wanted him clean the banisters as well as the staircase too along with washing the window up stair and down.The list went on like the laundry wash than dryer then folded after forwards put away and this was all to be done.Before they came back also lunch would be made by the time they came back from town.So as they left naruto to do the laundry which he washed then he put it up on the line to dry.As the clothes were drying he went to cleaning the banisters as well as the staircase too along with washing up stairs window and down stairs window.Also naruto washed the dish as well as polished the silver which his stepmother forgot about.

Sasunaru cinderella writen by Midnight blackroseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora