Chapter Seven

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When the sun began to rise for a new day also this was day of the royal ball would be that night.And everyone was still getting ready for that night because this was the biggest event in the uchiha kingdom.Meanwhile naruto was already up before his stepmother and stepsisters who were still fast asleep.And naruto was getting their breakfast made as well as feeding the animals.Once he was done with that he went back inside the mansion's kitchen.And that when the bell that where on the wall of the kitchen.Were just about to go off just as naruto was getting the breakfast trays ready to go up stairs.Back at the palace sasuke was reading a book in his bed chamber like he always did.When he hear his older brother Itachi outside in the hallways saying that those flowers have to go into the ballroom.Also make sure that those red rose go there too for tonight.Because I'm planning to ask my love,princess shannon to be my wife as well as my queen.

Prince Sasuke pov:

I couldn't believe how my older brother was acting I mean I know that he is planning to ask princess shannon to marry him.But doesn't he have to be so loud about I just wish I could understand why someone like my older brother get.So worked up over a girl don't get me rough princess shannon is really nice.Also she the only princess I don't find so annoying and I have this feeling that she know that I'm gay.This could just me so I know that my older brother would never tell anyone seen he knows.And I'm sure that he would never tell princess shannon.I mean even if she knew I think that she would never say anything.Also I think that she doesn't have a problem with any of it how I know that tonight.That I will have my true love this I know will happen without a doubt.

Meanwhile back at the mansion naruto was taking the breakfast trays up the stairs to his stepmother and stepsisters.Who were up now as naruto knocked on their bedroom doors before entering.Also naruto's stepsisters gave him their laundry as well as the new ball gowns which were to washed.Then dried also their shoes were to be shined for tonight once that was done.Naruto still had to do the rest of his morning chores which were almost done.He just had to clean the kitchen's fireplaces as well as clean the floors in the front.And the living room as well as the kitchen too when naruto knew that once the floors were drying.Then he would need to clothes wash then hang up to dry.Once the clothes were out on the clothes line drying.He could get started on shine sakura and Ino shoes that go with their ball gowns.

Naruto pov:

I finally finished cleaning the kitchen fireplaces then I washing the kitchen floors as well as the front and the living room floors.Once that was done then I could started on the laundry as well as shining sakura and Ino shoes.So I went to it clean the kitchen fireplaces then once that was done I went on to the next task.Which was washing the floor where the front is as well as the living room floors the best part about today.Was that my stepmother and stepsisters were out doing some last minted shopping before tonight.So I could work in peace for now once the floor were washed.I went on to washing the laundry which did take long like most of the time.Once the laundry was washed I hanged it out on the clothes line as the clothes.Were drying I started shing sakura and ino shoes.After I finished shine their shoes I went outside to the clothes line the laundry that were hanging now were dry.So with that I took it down and began folding it once done I went back inside to put the clothes away.Also I put my stepsisters as well as my stepmothers ball gowns out so they wouldn't get ringgold.Before tonight then once their gone I can take a break for once.

As naruto was cleaning the mansion princess shannon who was also naruto's fairy godmother could see that naruto really wanted to go to the royal ball.As well as too and shannon could see of this with the help of her magic mirror which was hanging in her bed chamber.She knew that tonight she would be attending the royal ball that was being held by the king of the uchahi royal family.Also she knew that the neighboring kingdoms would be attending as well as to.But shannon also knew that she had a job to do which was to grain naruto true wish which was that he could go to the royal ball.And find his true love with that in mind she knew that with this would also call for to use magic.That would never be used for such a thing and shannon knew this but she didn't care and that she still wanted to grant naruto's wish.Even those it met that naruto would have be transformed into a girl in order go to the royal ball.Because the king invited only unmarried young ladies to the palace.And she also knew prince sasuke was one the ball was being throw for so that he could find a bride.

Princess Shannon/fairy godmother's pov:

I was using my magic mirror that was hanging in the my bed chamber I could see that naruto was being worked like a dog cleaning the mansion as well as washing his stepsisters and stepmothers ball gowns for tonight.This made me so mad but I knew that their deeds will not go unpunished with that in mind I also had to keep in mind that I to would be going the royal ball because my true love is the older brother of prince sasuke his brother prince Itachi who has stolen my heart.That why I had a silk pink ball gown kimono made for tonight I just hope that I could be able to sneak away so that I could do my job which was to grant naruto's true wish which was to help him go to the royal ball.But I knew that I would have change naruto into a girl seen the king only invited all the unmarried young ladies in the kingdom to the royal ball.So I knew that naruto might not wanted to change into a girl also I knew that deep down he met not mine it too much if it met that he could go to the royal ball.

As princess shannon/fairy godmother was think about this naruto was finally done with his morning chores of course this was only the begin because tonight he would have to work even hard to help his stepsisters get ready for the ball which was that night.Meanwhile back at the palace prince sasuke was still in his bed chamber reading when one of the maidens knocked on his door gently then sasuke said enter so she did and she said my prince your father the king wish to see in the throne room right away.With that said sasuke told the maiden that he would be there and with that the maiden left sasuke bed chamber.So sasuke went to the throne room as he was walking down the hall way he saw his older brother Itachi was head to the throne room as well as too.And the only thing that came to sasuke mine was that his father the king must have need to see the both of them about something as they made their way to the throne room the king was walking back and forth trying think of a way to tell his two son that.After tonight royal ball he was going to step down as king once his son sasuke had found a bride he already knew that his son Itachi was going to marry princess shannon.And their marriage would be uniting two kingdoms Itachi would be the king of the blue moon kingdom but as he was think about that he also knew that his younger son sasuke could be every stubborn at time and he wanted to crown sasuke as the new king if he found a bride at the ball tonight that was his what he was hopping would happen.

Sasunaru cinderella writen by Midnight blackroseWhere stories live. Discover now