Chapter Sixteen

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The day of the wedding had everyone working hard to make sure that everything was ready for today and tonight meanwhile sasuke,naruto were still fast asleep also Itachi,shannon were fast asleep as well as too this was going to be the biggest royal wedding ever.But an evil plan was being put into the workers this could destroy the royal wedding that was going to be taking places at noon today when sasuke woke up he saw that naruto was still sleeping and sasuke knew that today was their wedding as well as his older brothers wedding day too.

Sasuke pov:

When I woke up I looked at the clock it said ten also I knew today is our wedding for me and naruto as well as my older brother's wedding day too there was so much that need to be done before noon.That when the wedding was but when I saw naruto sleeping beside me,he was just so cuted when he is sleeping but I knew that I had to wake him up so that he could go get ready for our wedding.So I gently rudded naruto shoulder and I said my love naruto it time to get up today is our big day after I said that he opened his eyes.Which were a beautiful blue eyes of his and he smiled at me too this was going to be the best day ever not just for me but for my older brother Itachi as well as too seen he to was getting married.

Meanwhile in another part of the palace Itachi and shannon were already up,dress they went to see how the wedding preparations were going as they did that naruto went to see shannon so they could see their wedding dresses.Seen they were both done and ready but what the happy couples didn't know that an evil plan was going to try to destroy their wedding day along with their love for each other.Of course good magic was not going to let that happened after all the hell that naruto had to put up with.

Naruto pov:

After sasuke woke me up I could believe that today was our wedding day this was most happiest day ever because I was not that only one getting married my best friend was also getting married to she was also my fairy godmother but she is putting away her wand for good now because she is going to the queen of her kingdom.As I was walking to the room that she and I had pick to have our wedding dresses ready for us to put on when it was almost noon as I was walking to the room I saw shannon waiting for me. Also I saw the clock outside said that it was almost noon so I had was glad I had made it to the room because I could see that was shannon happy and nerves.I felt the same way it not just my wedding day it was her wedding day too as the master library I saw Tsunade standing there and wait for me,shannon.

Meanwhile everyone was getting thing ready for the wedding which was going to happen right now seen the clock outside the palace had said it was now noon and everyone was making sure that everything was out and ready for both the wedding as well as.The wedding reception which was in the ballroom but this was going sakura along with her mother were wait in the wind with their evil plan that was going to happen on the day of the wedding as this was going on naruto and shannon were getting dressed they also had their hair done.Naruto was wearing the most beautiful wedding dress it had an orange top as well as red belt that had blue diamonds the bottom was a beautiful white.As for shannon's wedding dress was champagne pink that had light pink pearls that covered the top of the wedding dress also the ocean blue pearls that wear apart of her hair combs that put up her hair in a bun.Now as for their veils naruto had a veil that had red rose around it as for shannon,she had blue rose around her as well as blue ocean pearls veil they both looked beautiful.

Shannon pov:

I was so happy not just for myself but for naruto as well as this our big day and I had this bad feeling that something was going to happen something bad I just didn't know what it was yet so me and naruto were ready to the church where the royal wedding was going to take places.And I knew that Itachi as well as sasuke were already there so we just had to get into the royal carriage which was waiting for us.Also Tsunade was coming with us also she was going to give me away as for naruto kakashi was going to give naruto away as we got into the carriage I got a cold chill. And I was not the only one Tsunade felt it too she knew that something bad was going to go down but she and me we're not going to let that happen not.Because we had good magic on our side so this was going to ok.

As the royal carriage was making it way to the church everyone was out on the to see the royal wedding which was going on now and everyone was happy that both prince's were getting married.Today also today was going to the crowning of a new kings and queen because their kingdom the uchiha kingdom were going to have new king and queen.As well as the blue moon kingdom would also have new king and queen too this was going be the biggest royal wedding to have ever happened everyone was happy that their kingdom going to be united with the blue moon kingdom.When the royal carriage made it to the church both brides were helped out of the royal carried and the people saw how beautiful the brides look as well as happy they could only hope that peaces would continue.For a long time to come meanwhile inside the church Itachi and sasuke couldn't wait to see their brides in their wedding dresses for the first time seen they had found their true loves also Ino was both the bridesmaid to naruto and shannon.

Itachi pov:

I was really happy that I was going to see my true love my princess shannon and I could tell that sasuke felt the same way as he was standing right next to me along with our father the king he was just so happy that he could see me and sasuke getting married.When the church doors open me and sasuke saw Ino walk down the church aisle also gaara couldn't take his eyes off of her as she was walking down the church aisle.When she had made she went to the left of me and sasuke who were on the right as the wedding music pick up as shannon walked out the aisle with Tsunade being to give her away also naruto was right behind her they look so beautiful that me and sasuke couldn't our eyes off of them.

Sasunaru cinderella writen by Midnight blackroseWhere stories live. Discover now