Chapter Twelve

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King Fugaku pov:

I was busy planning the double wedding for my two son who I'm so happy for them that they have found that special someone they wish to spend the rest of their lives with also this royal wedding will be having the other neighboring kingdoms which the red blooms sand kingdom and the hugo kingdom they both had said yes to coming to the royal wedding as guest.Also I made sure that everything was ready for the double wedding that was take places in one more week and I finally got to see the crown's as well as the tiara's.Which one that of the tiara's was coming from the blue moon kingdom.And the other one was being made in our kingdom by the royal jeweler who made the two crown for my son's which had our family crested as well as the wedding ring would be made the same way that would include the blue crescent moon that will now be apart of our royal family crested.

Meanwhile as the king fugaku was make sure that everything was being done for the the double royal wedding that would be taking places in one more week also shannon and naruto would have the wedding dress fitting which were tomorrow morning.And the wedding invitations were sent out as for those who would coming were the prince gaara of the red blooms sand kingdom he was also looking for a bride.But he had no luke that is until the night of the royal ball that the uchiha kingdom had through when he saw lady Ino he believe that she was the most beautiful lady that he had ever seen.And he was really shy at first as tried to talk to her but after she saw him her face was beat red she had fallen for him at first scented this was the great thing to have every happen so he asked her if she would love to dance with him and she said yes she would love to.So they dance across the ballroom floor this was the most fun Ino had ever had in her life also she didn't really love sasuke after she saw prince gaara she only did it to piss off her sister sakura.

Prince Sasuke pov:

When I got up after see the sunlight peeking through the curtains which were closed in mine and naruto's bedroom as got up off the bed I did my best not to wake naruto up as he was still sleeping he is so cute when he sleep's it just make me feel so happy.As I went into the bathroom that was apart of my bedroom where I took a shower then got dressed I knew that I would have to wake naruto up so he could go with princess shannon for their wedding dress fittings.which  was today also the same goes for me and my brother as well as too,so I went over to the bed and gently rub naruto's shoulder.Also I said naruto my love it time to get up now after I said that he open his eyes that when I said morning my love how did you sleep last night.

Meanwhile Itachi and shannon were still fast asleep after the night that Itachi,shannon had which was just kissing and cuddling the two of them wanted to waited until their wedding night to have any really fun.As they got up they were still very much lovey and dovey when shannon was walking in the hallway of the palace she was heading to sasuke and naruto's bedroom to get naruto so they could fitted for the wedding dresses.which shannon was thinking that naruto may have a problem wearing a wedding dress after he wore a dress to the royal ball she thought that he would ever wanted to do that again well as she was think about that.When she finally arrived at their bedroom she knocked on the door and ask naruto are you dress the two of us need to go get fitted for our wedding dress after she said that there was complete silence which didn't last long then naruto said I'll be right out.

Naruto pov:

When I heard a knock at the door I knew that it had to be shannon because she asked if I was dress because we need to go get fitted for our wedding dress after she said that I was a little shock but I was ok with it I mean I'm ok with wearing a wedding dress it my wedding.So it not a big deal to me with that in mine I open the door to see shannon wearing a every beautiful dress that was deep ocean blue.Also her hair was down which I had never seen her with her hair down it look really good and I'm sure that Itachi thought the same thing that I did and with that me and shannon went to the master royal library room.Which is where the two of us were going to have our wedding dresses fitting.As we were walking I was think about my real mother and my father I know they would be really happy to know that I found someone to spend the rest of my life with.Also I know that I'm going to have to tell sasuke that we can have children I just hope that he will be ok to know this because.I will have to explain how this is possible and that we can have children of our own.I mean I've always wanted to have a baby with someone I loved and now it finally happening this not just for me but my best friend who also have found her true love.

As naruto and shannon made it to the master royal library where they were going to have the there wedding dresses fitting and the wedding dresses desinger and semstrices was waiting for them to arrive her name was lady Tsunade she to was a fairy godmother who just happened to live in the blue moon kingdom for some time.Before she move here to the uchiha kingdom but it just to be here for the double royal wedding that will be take plaeces really soon so with that in mind she went strand to work by taking both naruto and shannon measurments.Which didn't take long also lady Tsunade had shannon mothers wedding dresses as well as sasuke and Itachi mothers wedding dress which both were old they just need a few touch up's here and there.

Lady Tsunade pov:

When I saw my form stunned along with her best friend she was really happy to see that I was going to be making their wedding dresses well just updating her mothers as well as the uchiha kingdom late queen wedding dresses give them more of their tasted.which from what I could tell naruto loved orange as well as the color red this gave me a really good idea for his wedding dresses as for shannon,she loved champagne pink with light pink pearls that are apart of the wedding dresses.Also she loved the color ocean blue that color would be for the pearl that would apart of hair comb that will apart of her veil that would go into her hair.So once I had that down I asked them if they could stand on the stage after they had their wedding dresses on I pulled out my magic wand which was ready to go.Also my magic is more permanent than my former stunned she still has away to go.But she will get there I mean she is the daughter of a the queen of the blue moon kingdom that is said to have rare blue crystal that is shaped like the moon.Others say it just a legend which not a legend because the princess has the blue moon crystal inside her.

As naruto and shannon were trying on their wedding dresses sasuke and Itachi were have their tuxedos fitted as well as too they just have the tailer put on the finishing touches.Meanwhile the king fugaku was making sure that the whine glasses arrived as well as the food and the flowers that will be used to decorate the ballroom for the wedding reception.That would take places after the wedding ceremony and coronation that was aprated of the wedding ceremony also the gust list would have to be gone over to see who was coming to the double royal wedding.Which were the prince gaara from the the red blooms sand kingdom and also the princess hinata from the hugo kingdom she too would be coming to the double royal wedding.

Sasunaru cinderella writen by Midnight blackroseWhere stories live. Discover now